Wonderous man sister - he comes home

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You are walking around the inland alone since your brother has been gone, you have been bored and upset because when your brother was he here he would train with you but now that he is gone your father won't allow you to train. You are looking at the water when you saw a bot coming across, the once it took you while to find out who boat it really was it was Dane he was finally home.

Y/n " Dane is finally home" you soon ran down the path leading to the docks you were so happy to finally see your brogue after so long.

Y/n " Dane"

Dane " little sister" you hug Dane and he hugs you back, you had yet to notice the group of man standing right behind him.

Dane " you have change so much my little sister"

Y/n " you as well big brother"

????? " hello you most be wondrous man sister y/n I'm Superman a commander of your brothers"

Y/n " hello" Superman had touched your hand just for a bit but that when everything changed , and soon enough guards had showed up and now were looking at the man who touched you.

Dane " stay now man my friend here means no harm to my sister"

Flash " okay note to self never touch the girl or die"

Dane "  come one I will have you guys meet my father"

Y/n " father will be  happy to see dear brother"

Dane " I hope so" when you all had gotten to the palace you saw your father standing out there in his war armor, along with a few soldiers.

Y/n " father"

Dane " father these are my friend they mean no harm to ...." You father look at you and Dane and that when you know it was your time to leave and come back later, when the time was good. You were sitting in your room for two hours waiting to see and hear what was going on with your brother and your father.

Dane " hey baby sister"

Y/n " hello older brother how are you doing was father mad at you"

Dane " no he is not mad little sister he just worried about my friends being near you"

Y/n " they seem nice brother"

Dane " I know sister but father is not willing to trust the world of man just yet"

Y/n " yes I know but ...."

Dane " I know sister but we have to wait for father to finally start trusting the world of man again"

Dane " come one father is holding a feast for me and my friends and I want you to be there, and finally meet them"

Y/n " okay" you and Dane leave your chambers and join everyone in the dinning hall where the feast was taking place, and you enjoyed hearing stories of your brother and his friend heroic adventures. You could still tell that your father was not trust the newcomer even if, they were working with your brother.

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