Justice league wife - an ex of his shows up

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No matter how long you have been with your husband before you married him and after you married him, an ex of theirs will show up out of no where and start some drama between you and their ex.  Your husbands ex will show up once a while and start flirting with your husband knowing he, is married and even when husband keeps on turning her down she won't stop.

You are at benefit event with you husband the night was going well for you and Bruce that was until, your husbands ex Betty showed up. You and her made some eye contact with each other and you knew she was going to start something, once again.

Y/n " the wicked women is here"

Bruce " be nice honey she means nothing to me anymore"

Y/n " tell her that and maybe she will finally get a clue and leave you alone"

Betty " hey Bruce and y/n"

Y/n " hey Betty you still look the same evils and a man thief"

Betty " I just came here to say hey to Bruce and caught up with each other"

Y/n " I'm going to get a drink and some fresh air, I don't like the feeling around here now"

Bruce " wait honey don't leave ...." you soon walked away from Bruce and his ex girlfriend mad you finally got yourself, a drink of some hard and strong. You are drinking outside when you feel someone hug you from behind you know it was Bruce.

Y/n " you are not helping"

Bruce " you know I love you and only you... she mean nothing to me and I told her if she keeps at it I will need business ties with her father and brothers"

Y/n " are you sure"

Bruce " as sure as I can be love now come on let's go home before anymore ex's of any of ours show up"

Y/n " sure my dear husband"


You are at the park with Clark and some of his coworkers as they report of some popular event happening,but you soon felt something bad was going to happen. that when you saw a face you haven't seen you and Clark graduation from high school and moved away from small-vile it was his ex girlfriend Carla.

Y/n " oh here some the ex cheerleader captain"

Clark " oh Carla" soon enough Carla is standing right in front of you guys, you hate this women so much she had dated Clark when you were all juniors and later dumped him for football player. She didn't even speak to Clark after that and said their whole relationship was a lie and now she is back.

Carla " hey Clarkie alone time now see"

Louis " who is Carla"

Jimmy " don't know"

Y/n" a stupid cheerleader that care about no ones feelings "

Carla " oh hey y/n still a nerd and freak I see"

Y/n " wow you stupid ...."

Carla " so Clark I heard a very nasty rumor back at home from my mother and sister, that you are married to this girl over here"

Clark " I'm married to her and very happy and leave my wife alone Carla she is not a freak or a nerd, she is working for a very popular business laboratory that owned by Bruce Wayne"

Y/n " yes that is true and what about you Carla wait I heard the captain of the football team dumped you right after high school,and you ended up getting kicked out of college for some scandals"

Carla " why you stolen Clark from me"

Y/n "no I didn't take hike from you Carla I was just there when he need a good thing I'm his life which was me" Carla soon walks away from you and Clark mad.

Clark " I don't think she will be talking with us for while"

Y/n" I can live with that"

Green lantern

You are on base with Hal and Carlos looking over a new plane that was just delivered, everything was going well until you heard a voice you hated so much. It was Hal cheating ex girlfriend Dottie she was so mean to hal when they were dating, and end up cheating on him with a former employee here on base.

Dottie " oh hey everyone long time no see"

Y/n " I would I'd love to never see you again Dottie"

Carlos " same here"

Hal " why are you here Dottie I have nothing to do with you"

Dottie " I just came to see if we can start again Hal I miss you so much and everything about you"

Hal " you see Dottie ...." before Hal could say anything you push him back almost knocking him over, and Carlos caught him and they can tell you are angry.

Y/n " listen her Dottie Hal is my husband and I had to up to the sky with you showing up and calling the house, he is married man my married man now leave thus base before I treat you to stay away from my man" hal soon pulls you away from Dottie before you could hurt her.

Carlos " Dottie if I was you I will be running for it now" Dottie soon runs for it and Hal won't let you go because he know if he dose you will hurt Dottie even Carlos knew that.

Hal " come let's go all go to lunch"

Y/n " sure"


You are in the grocery store with Barry you were going to go shopping alone but Barry showed up at home early, from work and he asked where you were going and you told him and he decided to come. You had bumped your cart into someone else cart, when you were going to say sorry you a saw a face you were hoping to never see again. It was Roxana Barry ex girlfriend from college, you hate her and she hated you.

Y/n " oh hello Roxanne"

Roxana " oh hey y/n is Barry with you or did he leave you for someone else"

Barry " hey honey I got the pasta you asked me to get .... oh hey Roxana"

Roxana " hey Barry long time no see"

Barry " it has been a long time how is single life treating you .... because I know my marriage with y/n is great"

Roxana " oh"

Y/n " yeah oh Roxana he is still my husband no matter what you say or think ... come on honey we need to get the rest of the things on the list" you move the cart away from Roxana and Barry is right after you.

Barry " you know I will never love her as much as I love you"

Y/n " I hope so"

Barry " hey why don't I make dinner tonight"

Y/n " deal"

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