Hawkboy sister - love and heartbreak

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At a very young age you had been having these magical dreams of this mystery guy, and after a while you had found out were destiny to marry and be with this unknown guy. You had leaned the love story between the two of you and you and ran into this man when you were on earth. You didn't want to rush the destiny but you felt like something bad was going to happen.

Y/n " ........"

Radom women " oh Chad the girl is here to see you again" you had Ben going to this art gallery that helped you understand more of the story behind you, but you soon ran into unknown man here and you visit when you could but to everyone else it seemed like you are following the guy.

Y/n " i was here to do a report for my class"

Random guy " that's what you said last time kid can't you get it threw your mind he doesn't like you"

Chad " you again it the third time this week"

Y/n " I just came to ...."

Chad " come with me now kid and we have to talk" before you could saying anything the guys grabbed you arm fast and dragged you over to the area you been hanging out most in, the area that could you more of your story and it love story.

Chad " get this straight kid what ever relationship we had in our past lives is over okay and it will never happen again"

Y/n " what about the ...."

Chad " forget the whole destiny okay it stupid okay and are you sure the first one of me we've really loved you"

Y/n " well yes the stories of the love between"

Chad " it all fake the girl aka you could see that I had never love you and he first place I was force to be with, because of this stupid story"

Y/n " you don't mean that"

Chad " my past lives never loved you and I will never love you and this is when the story ends, and it will never happen again" you felt your heart break but you didn't know why it hurt to him he say those words to you. Before you could say anything else Chad had dragged you toward the entrance of the gallery and open the doors.

Chad " listen here kid and listen well if you ever come back here I will call the cops and fill a report on you, now leave and don't come back as long as I work here" Chad soon and pushed you out of hue door but didn't see there was something blocking you way, of standing you soon and trip over the thing fall down a few step in front of many people.

Chad " y/n ...."

Y/n " I'm sorry it will just leave right now .... I'm okay everyone I'm just stupid girl who believe in love" you soon walked away from the art gallery with tears in your eyes, you soon noticed you are bleeding as well you soon and gotten home. No one was home yet so you were alone you soon sat on your bedroom and started crying why did his words and action but you so much.

Y/n " why I'm crying over an man I don't know and say who hates me" your brother and Katar soon got home and found you crying you soon explain the whole story to them. Your brother was ready to go down there and teach Chad a lesson but you stopped him, saying you density was over with him and you were going to leave him alone forever.

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