Chapter one.

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It’s a Ziall Story.

Too Late.

Niall’s Pov

“I will miss you too mom!” I said giving her a watering smile. She smiled at me one last time and then handed me my suitcase. “Ready to go Nialler?” I heard Joshie’s voice saying from behind me as I felt his hand on my shoulder. I turned around and smiled at him. “I guess.” He ruffled my hair and pulled me towards our gate. “Can you believe it Joshie? We are finally going to London. We will have our own house and our car and job and if we are lucky we may as well go to our dreamy college an-“ Joshie laughed as he put his palm over my mouth to keep me from rambling more. “Easy there Nialler.” I giggled licking his palm as he made a weird grimace. “Eww Ni.!” We both laughed and I grabbed his hand making him run with me. Every step we take its bringing us a breath closer to our dream. To my dream.

*Arriving home*

“WOW!”. “Nialler that’s the only thing you’ve said since we land here.” Josh smiled at me. Its not my fault really. It’s the greatest place that I’ve ever been. “But Wow is a really matching word to describe this place and … our new life.” I squealed as jumped up and down excitedly. Our home wasn’t that big. It got a living room with the kitchen in it , two bedrooms and two bathrooms. Not much I know , but we are college/school  boys and that’s all we can afford. Thankfully joshie’s uncle opens a club fifteen minutes from here and he want us to work for him, so I think we solve the whole –how-are- we-supposed-to-pay-for-our-home-and-school thing.

“Okay so lets get ready. Tonight we are gonna get drunk.” Josh yelled as he slapped my butt making me yelp and blush. We do this a lot. He is like my older brother. “Joshhhh.” I whined like a little kid. “You know I don’t drink!” “I still don’t understand why you don’t.” He smirked as he made his way towards his suitcase to put on his clothes. “First of its really nasty. Alcohol makes you do thinks you wouldn’t do sober and secondly you of all people know I am not old enough to drink. Not that I would if I was 18 but yo-“ I was cut of by a pair of pants throw at me. “God Ni stop rambling!” He laughed breathy. I blushed and looked down. “Hey Ni it’s okay. I was kidding. I don’t care if you do it.” Josh said as he came and gave me a hug. He knows that’s one of the reasons  I was bullied.

Back at Ireland at my old school I was bullied. Not badly but I was. They never hit me, it was mostly emotional abuse. They would throw insults at me about everything that was wrong with me. My teeth, hair, body, me being gay etc. The bulling never really stopped till now that I am finally away from everything and everyone. For a while (3 years) I had started to harm myself. I cut on a daily basis and I would cut words on my arms or stomach like fag/ugly/worthless and every other word they would call me, but these all stopped when Joshie found out. He made me promise to never do this again. We pinky promised.

“Earth calls Niall, over! Do you copy? Earth calls N-“ I slapped josh’ hand as he moved it frantically in front of my face. “Stop it you cunt. I hear you” I giggled. He laughed and pointed to his clothes. “Oh Joshie you are going to make the girls go crazy tonight.” I giggled and run to my suitcase to find my own dressing. “Very funny Niall.” I giggled again and throw at him my shoe. After two seconds I heard him groan and saying. “You could have killed me!” I frowned. “I am sorry joshie.” I made him puppy eyes. “You Lucky, you cute”. “Wait and see till I put my clothes on. Then I’ll be a hottie like you.” I said. I changed to black skinny jeans and a white shirt with the word “Moffos” in black letters on it and my white Supras on. “Well?” I asked Josh as stand in front of him. “You look adorably cute.” He cooed at me. “Joshhhhh! I want to look hot not cute!” I cried out. “You look adorably hot.” I pouted at him. “Not good enough. No one will ever like me if I look cute.” Josh looked at me with a serious expression. “Nialler that’s you. If they don’t like you like this they don’t deserve you any different.” He said sternly. I smiled at him and gave him a hug putting my face into the crock of his neck. “Thank you Joshie.” He sighed as he rubbed my back. “You know it Ni. I’ll be here no matter what. No need to thank me.” He kissed my temple. We stayed like this for a little while and then we let go. “Let’s go then… Aw and Niall you forgot your flowercrown” He said and grabbed his phone. I smiled at him and took it from the coffe table. “Uncle said that he want us there around midnight. We have an hour so would you like to go at Nando’s?” Joshie said smirking. My eyes light up as he said the last sentence. “Yes josh Nando’s!” I squalled. He laughed and opened the door for us to go outside.

*Arriving at the pub*

“Hello boys. You must be Niall right?” Josh’s uncle asked me. “Yep that’s me.” I smiled at him. “Okay so have you ever like work as a barman before?”He asked me awkwardly. “Uncle, Nialler is only 16. It’s his first job.” Josh said as he gave me an one-armed hug. “I see… Then both of you will be behind the bar and prepare the drinks.” He said as he gave us a nod towards the bar. “Okay sure thanks for helping us uncle.” Josh said and gave him a hug before he dragged me towards the bar.

We started working till I heard someone saying my name. “Niall? Is that you body?” I turned around to see my old dance teacher. He’s two years older than me. “Scott!” I squalled as I jumped on him making him put his arms around me into a tight hug. “Oh Ni I’ve missed you much.” He said as he let go and looked at me. “I’ve missed ya too. What are you doing here?” I asked realizing what happened. “Nialler who is he?” I smiled at josh as he came behind me. “This is Mike. My old dance teacher. Mike this is my best friend.” I said giggling as I felt joshie’s fingers on my waist. “Nice to meet you Mike.” “Nice to meet you to Josh. And to answer your question Nialler I am here with my friend for vacations.” He smiled and pointed to an attractive boy coming towards us. “Hey there guyz. I am Son Mike’s friend.” He said giving him a hand and winked at me. I gave him my hand and looked down blushing. “I am Josh and the little guy here is Niall.” I gasp and blushed furiously. “Josh!” I mumbled. “Well Niall I think you are cute but definitely hot.” Son said smirking as he saw my flustered face. “Th-thank you.” I stuttered sending him a smile. “So anyway guyz! What are you doing here.?” “We work here.” Said josh. “Cool! So how about the four of us getting lunch tomorrow?” Son asked as he looked at me with that cheeky smile. “Sure huh Nialler?” Josh nagged me. “Yeah course.” I smiled at them. “Okay then. We’ll pick you up around 11 a.m. Is that okay?” Scott asked as he hugged me goodbye. “Yeah okay.” I grin at him. “See you tomorrow cutie.” Son said and before I even had time to reply he kissed my cheek and gave me smirk. I blushed I touched the spot he lips had kissed me. “WOW Nialler chill. You look like a tomato.” Josh chuckled as he gave away a drink. “Josh! Stop it.” I whined. “Whatever Nialler. Just be careful with him.” He said seriously. “You mean Son? Relax joshie. He probably doesn’t even like me.” I sighed out. He is really attractive no reason to deny it, but I don’t think he is into me. Well I don’t know if I am into him too. I’ve never dated before. “You kidding Ni? He looked at you like he was ready to eat you.” Josh laughed and I looked down blushing. “That’s not really very comforting.” I said. I am a virgin and I don’t want to give it away to someone I don’t know well.

Too Late.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora