chapter 4.

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Niall's Pov,

*A week later*

We are currently in the car driving to work. "And then everything mad- Is that One direction?Oh my god turn in up! It's live while we are young." I squelled grinning. Scott laughed but turn it up non the less. We sung -more like shout- the lyrics when suddenly a flushing light came out of nowhere. I heard a car horn and then a car hit us sending us both into the water under the bridge. 

Zayn's Pov,

"Home sweet home." Said Louis as we ariived at the London's bridge just a few miles away from our houses. "Wanna come to us for a sleepover?" Harry asked with his hand around Lou's sholder protectivly. "What are you saying babe?" I asked Perrie. "I'll pass!" She said making me sight but i nodded. Harry gave me a knowing sad smile. "I'll come. Don't want to stay alone." Liam stated and all of us laughed making him blush. "Guys! The breaks aren't working!" Our driver yelled. We looked at each other panicked. I turn to look at him. "Get out of the road before we hit someone!" I demanded, but before he could do as i said , he lost control of the car and we crushed another car sending us both into the water.

The second i opened my eyes i saw everyone trying to get out. The car's windows broke from the water presure making it hareder for us to get out. I broke my belt and then i did the same with Perrie's who was freaking out. I grabbed her hand and swam to the surface. Once i breathed air and looked around us to see a smal ship comming towards us. When it was close enough people tried to pull us up and we let them. "Oh god Zayn! I though you had drown." Harry said crying. I chuckled letting a few tears fall as well. I heard in the backgroung Perrie complaining about her wet clothes and rolle my eyes. I felt to more pairs of hands wrapping around me only to realise it's Louis and Liam. I smiled and let go. "It's okay guyz. We are all ok-" "What do you mean he's still in there Scott?" Someone yelled and i turn around to see two boys yelling with tears in their eyes. "He didn't come out with me Josh!" I think Scott said. "Oh my god!" the other guy Josh cried. "What's wrong?" I asked worried. "My brother is still in ther!" Josh whispered. "i'll go get him!" Scott stated as he walked towards the edge of the ship. H e was stopped though by the Captain.  "You are not allowed to go down there!" He said sternly. "What? Are you mental? We cant leave him. He is dying!!" He cried out. Before he had time to continue, i jump into the freezing water.

"Ζayn don't!" Is the last thing i heard before i sank into the water. I swam towards the unknown car ignoring the burning in my lungs. In the back seats was an unconsious boy. I looked at hin carefully and awweed at his beauty. It's not a secret that i'm bi. Everyone knows it. He couldn't be any older than sixteen four years younger than me. I shook my head and swam to the surface to take a breath. As my lungs filled with air i made my way back into the car. I swam through the window. I reached him and started pulling at his seat belt. Once it was out i pulled him into my chest and with some dificulty i swam to the surface again. "Zayn! I see them." I heard Perried high piched voice yelling. I took a breath of fresh air and started swamming towards the ship. Trying at the same time to make sure his face was out of the water. Seconds later i felt a hand pulling e upwards and onto the ship. Then three boddies fall on top of mine. "Don't you dare do this again." Louis said. Lauging i got up and hugged them tight. "Is he breathing?" Someone asked.

I let go from the hug and fell on my knees beside his body. I put my hand on his neck to check his pulse. "Yeah but it's really slow." I saddly said. Josh cried as he squezed the boy's hand. Before anyone could something i pushed the boys head up and started pushing at his chest. I pulled my head down to see if anyhting happened but his pulse was tha same as before. I though about a little before nodding. I closed his  nose and united our lips befora starting breathing into him. I heard many gasps and some cheers - Louis- behind me, but i couldn't care less about them. Not even if it was from who most definataly is furious right now. I smirked before pulling out and started again pushing at his chest. "Come on! Open your eyes lad." I said as i pushed one last time before he finally started coughing that water that so far had found home into his lungs. Once they were empty he collapsed into my arms.

Too Late.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora