Chapter six.

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Soo I hope you guys like my story so far.. 💙

Thanks for reading.


Niall's Pov,

The day after the accident the boys and us went out for dinner. They wanted to make it up to us. I had a great time. Josh had too. Actually he had way too much fun with lee yum. I'm not sure their are dating but they sure as hell have something. It's benn two weeks since the accident and the boys come around more often than not. It's like we know each other for year. Even when they aren't at our apartment or us on theirs we still Skype to text nonstop. It's mad. I'm so happy. Zayn and have come really close. He is so cool. Just like expected but better.

Today they invite us to a party and I really want to go but I cant. My uni sent me an email, saying that tonight is my audition. It's my only chance to go to my dream uni. I told the boys I couldn't go, but I convice Joshie to go. I hoped he'd stay with me. I mean I know I told him to go but I guess I thought he'd prefer to stay.

"Niall?" I heard joshie yelling from downstairs. I quickly run down. "What happened? Are you? You hurt?" I asked panicking. He laughed shoocking his head. " just making sure you here." He smiled from the couch. "I'm fine. Now let's cuddle." I giggled dropping myself on top of him as he groaned. "Tosser!" He said pulling me closer non the less. I lied my head on his chest and let out a sigh. "You okay Ni?" He asked voice full of worry. " what if I don't make it? What if I amnot good enough for them?" I asked, voice cracking. "Okay listen here Nialler. You are perfect! If they reject you it means that they're looking for averages dancers. You'll make it! I know you will." He encouraged me looking straight into my eyes. I gave him a watery smile as he kissed my forehead. " take some rest. I'll wake you up in an hour to get ready." He hugged me tighter.


I'll be there to pick you up, just send me when you're done." Josh yelled as i jumped out of his car. "I'll do." "Good luck, babe. I love you." I smiled blushing before yelling an "I love you too". I walked into the gallery and stopped at the front desk. "Hey .." I mumbled. "What can I do for you?" "I-I m Nia-Niall Horan. I'm here for... You know ... My audit-tion?" I mentally yelled at myself for stuttering. "Oh yeah right! Well mister Horan you'll be doing the choreography you have prepared in front of our judgments , audience and guest stars. " she smiled at me. Wh-what? Audience!? I blushed just thinking about so many y people watching me. "This is your card. In about an hour the shows will begin." She handed me a card with my name on it and show me the waiting room.

Once I was inside there eprepe so many other dancers, boys and girls. I blushed as they looked at me some smiling, some glaring. Most of them are so handsome with so many abs and then there is me, bony-skinny-short Nialler. I sighed as I looked down trying to keep my tears from the stress and insecurities at bay. I found a corner and sat there by myself. "There's no way I'll make it. They look like freaking models.!" I text joshie and then look up to see that I was the only one sitting alone. The others were together laughing and talking. "Hey there cutie." A voice startled me. I looked up to see a boy and a girl smiling down at me. "He-hey." I stuttered blushing. "You here for the audition?" The lad sked me. I nodded ,checks becoming even redder. "So are we. I'm Ariall and this is Mike." "I'm Niall." I flushed deeper under their intense gaze. "Cool name bro." The boy said. He was going to add somthing but was cut by voice. " the show begins now. All the competitors shall come out, please." My knees were ready to buckle up and I was ready to faith. "Good luck." I smiled at them as I reajust my flower crown.

"Our last competitor for today's show is Niall Horan." The host said and my breath hitced. Okay Niall, just take deep breaths. You can do it. I said to myself as I made my way to the stage. Arriving at the center I looked up only to be faced with uncountable faces looking up at me. I. Instantly turn red and look down feeling panic rise inside me. Fuck I need Josh. "Are you ready Niall?" The lady asked and I just nodded shakily. The musik begun and I did what I knew better. I danced.

Too Late.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora