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Sorry guys! Late... Very late but it's here!

Blake-Blueberry- POV

I stayed by Shade as he was sleeping... He looks very cute when he's asleep... Wait... What am I thinking!?! I don't like him.... Right?... Uugghh... I have already messed up one relationship... I don't want to mess another.... Wwhhyy???... I heard Shade talk
"No... Don't take him..." Sleep talker? Whatever... It's cute... But who is he talking about...
"Don't take who?"
".... My Blueberry... He's mine..." I blushes only he calls me Blueberry... He's talking about me?... Aawww that's cute! Maybe...

"HEY BRO YOU OK!?!" I jumped and than Shade woke up.
"Min-... Oh... Wait... Shadow?"
"Haha! Yep your one and only brother... I heard you got hurt so I came here to check up on you!... And I see you have Blake here" I blushed more
"... What?..." Shade looked at me. "Oh you're still here Blake?"
"Yea!... I wanted to make sure you where ok..." Shade smiled
"Well... I'm glad you stayed here Blake"
"So... You 2 dating???"
"! Shadow! Shut up!!"
"Nahhh" I was blushing a lot and so was Shade.

(Ok so Shadow is just Shadow Freddy he looks like Shade but doesn't have a demon tail. Shadow is all bear yeaaa. Also forgot to put that Shade has a scar over his right eye and he is misses his left ear)

"S-so! Shadow how have you been?"
"I'm been going good! Just chatting with someone..."
"Your crush"
"! Alright Shade now you gonna shut up!"
"What? It's obvious you like her... You don't try to hide it"
"Wait her? You have a crush Shadow?" I didn't know he has a crush.
"Blake he so does! And you know her too"
"Shade! Shut uppp"

"Who is it Shadow?!? Who's your crush" I wanna know!
"Fine... I'll tell you... But you gonna tell me both of your crushes!"
"Alright fine!"

Shade POV

This well be good....
"Alright... So I have a crush on Dark..."
"Oh! Yea I know her! She's one of my friends! She's so nice"

(And Dark is kinda like my FNAF OC? IDK- She is a Shadow Foxy
She also showed by in my Nightmare X Nightmare Fredbear fanfic)

"Ok now you Blake! Who's your crush"
"! W-well... I don't know... M-maybe..." He got quite "Sha..."
"What was that?"
"N-nothing... I-I just don't know yet..."
"Alrighty... You Shade?"

"Well it's no secret... My crush is Blake... But I 100% understand if he doesn't like me back... I just want him to be with someone that makes him happy..." I looked over at Blake to see him blushing

"You're so sweet brother! Give me a hug!"
"Ah! Get you a rusty, crusty, Dusty, musty, bacterial paws away from me!"
"Hey! I washed my paws before I got here!"

Blake-Blueberry- POV

I like you too Shade... But I don't know... I still can't move on from what I did to you... And everything...

Can I ever move on?

Can we be together?

What well happen?

Do you hate me?...

Will you forget me?

I was the one who made you into this demon... And I now can't change you back...... You're stuck like this... Because of me...

End of chapter

When 2 Shadows Come Together {Shadow Fronnie}Where stories live. Discover now