~Meeting Part 1~

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Hello there

Also fuck time

Shade POV

"Shade come on!!"
"I'm going I'm going" Blake said now is the best time to meet his parents... But we have to take a train there. Blake packs fast. I took my suit case and walked over to Blake. He smiles.
"Let's go!"
"Calm down ok? Did you tell Dark?"
"Yea I told her"
"Do you think she'll be fine?"
"Yea I told her to call us if anything happens besides you can teleport too"
"Right... Now let's go"

We walked out of the house... I swear we need to get a car so we don't walk as much... Blake started to walk so I was walking with him.
"We should get a car"
"Yea! We can buy one together Shade!"
"Yea we can... If you get tried just tell me ok? And I'll carry you" Blake blushes but nods.

We were walking for a bit.
"Do you think they well have food at the train station?"
"Well... We can get something right now if you want to"
"Yea! I want... Um... Subway!"
"Is there a subway around here?"
"Yes there is! It's near the train station"

After a bit of walking we stopped at the subway and we got our sandwiches. Then we walked out to our train stop. And Blake is already eating his sandwich... Welp ok. Guess he was Hungry after all.
"What are your parents like Blake?"
"Like I said before... They are nice besides I think they well like you a lot"
"? Why is that?"
"Well... Where I am from everyone in town always had a small obsession with demons... And well you're a demon"
"And um... My parents are kinda into murder too???"
"Wut?..." Is this why Blake was not scared of me or what?
"It's kinda hard to explain"

(Everyone is crazy at this point cuz yes)

Blake POV

I mean... It is kinda hard to explain... Like my parents are not murder but they like it????

I... I don't know what to say...
"The train is here Blake"
"Huh? Yay the train! Let's go!"
"Yea yea" we got on the train.
"Can I sit near the window Shade?"
"Sure and I'll sit right by you"

I got to pick the seat and I picked on near the back of the train and we sat down. Me near the window and Shade sitting down by me with our suitcases underneath our seats. Who knows... But all I know is this is gonna be one long train ride.

End of chapter

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