~Fix Myself~

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Shade POV

Ok so... What first?... I smell like shit... So... Shower first I walked into the bathroom and started the water... Sometimes seems off about Blake... Kinda like a new smell... It's not heat smell... It's something else... Maybe I'll ask him about it when I'm done with ny shower.

Blake POV

"How long is it gonna take you to tell him Blake?"
"I don't knowww"
"You tummy is already fat! How has he not noticed yet!!"

(( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

"He hasn't really been himself... Besides... He may think I'm getting fat..."
"Come on Dark! You're only like a month into being pregnant! I been for a while now!"

"Ever since you did that with Shade right?"

"HoW eLsE aRe BaBiEs MaDe?"

"Ok you don't have to say it like that Blake"
"Yea but... You know how babies are made Dark like bruh"
"Yea yea I know"

"Thing is... I don't know if it's the right time to tell him... You know?"

"It's best to say it now.... After a few weeks you can't do as much as you used to because you have to be careful... And Shade has to take care of you... You know that"
"... Fine... I'll tell him..." My ears go down. "I just don't want him to get mad at me..."
"I'm sure he's not gonna be mad... Maybe surprised but not mad"
"Thanks Dark! You're a very good friend"

"Tell me something I don't know"

"You're adopted"

"! Dad how could you lie to mee"
"I had too... To protect you"

"The fuck?"
"I don't know"

(Just heard something fall... AAAAAHHHH-)

Why are we weird? I mean we have always been like this to be honest... Just some friends who are weird that's it. My ear twitch because I heard water running... Is Shade taking a shower?

"Looks like he got his lazy ass up now"
"Dar-... I mean... You're not wrong but also Dark! Don't be mean to my bear!"
"Now he's your bear? Here I was thinking you were his bunny"
"Um-... I can be top???"


I feel so attacked right now- I can be top!... Right?

Great now I don't know! To be honest... With Shade I don't think I can be top...

Shade is scary sometimes... Especially when he has his axe he's scary! Wait... Did has Shade ever told me what power he has? I know all shadows have a different power... What is he?

(If Shade did tell him I can't remember Lol- but yes they all do have different powers)

I know all shadows can teleport...
I can possessed stuff... Dark can control non-living objects so like rock and use it as a weapon... I believe Shadow can control people's shadows(lazy) and Shade... I don't know...

"Hey Dark do you know what power Shade has?"
"That... That I don't know... I don't think I ask Shadow about it... It never cross my mind now that I think about it"

Huh... I wonder what if can be...

"My power? That's easy... I control time" I look to see Shade standing above me.
"Shade! You scared me for a second there... You control time?"
"Yea... But I can only go backwards... So I can only go into the past... I can also controll it to only one thing..."


"Let's say you got a cut on your arm... I'll be able to go back into time to the time were tou didn't have the cut... But that only works if the cut is fresh"

"Oooooh! Ok" I heard Dark cough. "Dark?"

"I'll leave you 2 alone now~~" huh? I blushed.


"You said 'fine'!"
"I-" Dark left... Well shit...

Shade POV

I sat down by Blake to see him blushing.
"So... What's on your mind?"
"Nothing much... You?"
"... I still pretty sad... But I know Shadow doesn't want me to keep moping around... So I'll try to go back to myself ok?"
"Take your time Shade... No need to rush" Blake hugs my arm so I smiled.
"I know"

"... Also Shade I need to tell you something"
"What's up?" I looked at Blake... He was blushing.

"I'm... Um..."
"? You're?"

"I'm pregnant... With our child"

(No it's MINE child >:D JK Shade gonna murder me if it was)

Wait... That's what that smell was! I felt Blake grip onto my arm.
"I-I found out after a week we did... The thing... And I was gonna tell you... But I was thinking you would get mad at me... Because I didn't tell you right away..."

"No no! I'm not mad at you I'm just very happy that we can have a family... Wait... We did that like 5 months ago tho... How the fuck did I not noticed?-"

"I don't know"

"Do you know the gender?" I saw Blake smile.

"It's gonna be a girl!! Can we name her Star!! Pleaseeeee?"

"Hehe sure we can"
"Yay!... Now I feel like Imma throw up..."

"Please don't..."

End of chapter
Boys get magicly pregnant because logic doesn't matter anymore

✨Fuck Logic✨

When 2 Shadows Come Together {Shadow Fronnie}Where stories live. Discover now