~He's mine~

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Shade POV

I was sitting down petting Blake's head. He seems to enjoy it.
"! N-no"
"Yes" I didn't think much of it and I kissed Blake. He blushes but kissed back. My tail started to wag. I pulled away from him to see him blushing.
"You enjoy it didn't you~"
"W-well... Yes I did"
"Aw~" He was blushing.
"W-well... S..."
"Someone... Else tried kissing me... Not so long ago..."
"... Who?"
"... Fawkes... But I pushed him away... Because I told him I like someone else..."
"I like you Shade"
"Aw I like you too Blake" Blake kissed my cheek and I blushed.

Blake-Blueberry- POV

He's so cute-
"I never seen you blush Shade"
"Heh cuz you blush all the time Blueberry~"
"Do-... Nevermind"
"Aw so you're gonna let me call you Blueberry now~"
"O-only you" he smiles than he hugs me. I started to pet his head and his tail started to wag.
"?" He enjoys pets? Awwwwww! His tail was wagging. Then he laid his head on my lap his tail was still wagging. I heard him started to purr... I blushed a lot. As I was still petting Shade. He really does enjoy it... At least now I know I can pet him and he well be happy.
"I see you enjoy pets huh?"
"It's cute" he blushed but his tail was still wagging. "Yes cute!"
"No you're cute" Shade got up than he kissed me again. I blushed and kisses back. "Love you Blake~"
"I-I love you t-too" He kissed my cheek. I was blushing already.
"H-heh yea"
"So does this make us official?"
"... Yes... Yes it does"
"Great... And I'm glad" he started to pet my head. "I have always liked you"
"Yea I know that Shade"
"Heh it was no secret"
"I know"
"Now... You should get some rest it's getting late"
"What about you?"
"I have something to do" he picks me up than he lays him down in my bed. "Get some rest"
"Ok.." He left the room... What is he gonna do?... Eh... I started to fall asleep.

Shade POV

... So that's why he was blushing... Fawkes almost kissed him...

We can't have that... We just can't...

I walked out of the building... A lesson has to happen... To make it clear that... Blake is mine... My boyfriend...

I started to walk... And we can't have anyone taking him away... Ah Blake's EX is so lucky I don't know where he is... Cuz if I did know... He would already have this lesson to him... We should start off with Fawkes... Cuz he tried to kiss Blake... Yea...

I started to make my way to the pizzeria where he lives at...
"... Like hell anyone is gonna take him from me..." I was walking than I saw Fawkes out... He was with a bunny... A light blue bunny...
"Bapp you should go inside I'll be there in a bit"
"Ok Fawkes" the bunny when inside... Time to make my move...

I walked over to him
"... Why did he let him go?... Damn you Blake" . . .
"Maybe you should keep your mouth shut..."
"Hu-" I knocked him out...
"Don't talk bad about Blake"
"Fawkes!! You coming!" Shit! I picked up Fawkes and teleported.

End of chapter
Also Bapp is Toy Bonnie

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