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Shade POV

I got dressed then looked at Blake to see that he was ready.
"Come on"
"Ok!" I walked out of the house with Blake... We really need to get a car soon... I felt Blake hold onto my paw so I smiled. He smiles back as we continued to walk.

After a while we got to the Cafe... I unlocked the door and walked in with Blake... The others may be a bit suspicious but whatever.
"Shade you here!... Who's that?"
"! H-hey... Oh this is Blake my boyfriend"
"Oh! The one you talk about" I blushed but nodded. Blake was blushing too. "Anyways my name is *insert some random girl name #1*"
"Nice to meet you... You already know my name Blake so yea" I can tell Blake is a but nervous.
"Blake it's ok... Let's go talk to the boss ok?"
"Ok" I walked with Blake over to the boss' office and knocked.
"Come in" I walked in with Blake.
"Hey sir... Blake here was wondering if he can get a job here"
"Do you know him Shade?"
"Yea... He's my boyfriend" the boss looked over at Blake.
"What can you do?"
"M-me?... Well... I can bake and cook... I'm not really good at talking with people"
"Then you can be one of our bakers! We only have one and she really needs help with baking"
"O-oh ok!" Blake smiled.
"Sadly... We don't have any suits at the time that are your size... So you're gonna have to wear a dress... Unless Shade has extras" Blake looked at me blushing a lot.
"Heh... I would have extras... But they are all dirty... Sorry Blake" Blake was blushing.
"Don't worry Blake you're gonna be in thr kitchen the whole time"
"F-fine I'll wear the dress"
"Alright! Shade you can show him around"
"Yes sir come on Blake" we walked out

Blake-Blueberry- POV

I mean... I don't mind wearing the dress it's just... Shade... Mm...
"Hey *girl #1* where does the boss keep the dresses?"
"For what Shade?"
"Well... We have no suits so Blake so he's gonna have to wear one of the dresses... Good time he's gonna stay in the kitchen"
"Wait" Girl #1 looked over at Blake, "you're gonna be the new baker?"
"Cool! I'm the other baker! I'll teach ya!"
"Wait Shade... If he's gonna wear the dress then" Shade growled
"We have to take sure he doesn't get close to him"
"He?..." I looked at Shade worried
"He's a big ass pervert... I hate him... Just be careful around him Blake... And don't fall for this tricks! I'm not always gonna be there to protect you"
"I'll be fine Shade"

"Ah! Who's this cutie~" A guy walked over to us and Shade growled at him.
"Lay off *Ass hoe name*"
"How can I? He's so cute~" Shade growled more.
"He's my boyfriend... So lay off!" Shade was in front of me now growling.

"Hey! Stop with this yelling and get ready!"
"Yes sir!" We all said.
"Blake come with me" I followed Shade to a changing room. Wow... It's so big I looked around yo see Shade open up a locker. "We are gonna share the same locker... So just put your stuff in here... I'll go get that dress for you"
"O-ok" Shade kissed my cheek then he walked out. I wonder how this is gonna go... That one guy... I think his name was *Ass hoe name* ... He's gonna make Shade made... I just know it... I sighed then Shade walked back in with a dress in his paw.
"Go get changed... There are bathroom over there if you're uncomfortable changing in public"
"B-but it's just us two"
"Trust me... That guy is gonna walk in here anyways... So go get changed ok?"
"O-ok" I walked over to the bathroom and got changed.

End of chapter

Alright! I need some name ideas for the workers who well be working with Shade and Blake. First we have the
Girl #1 she's very out going and is close friends with Shade
Girl #2 you well see her more in the next chapter. She's kinda quite and shy but talks a lot to her co workers. She's still a bit scared of Shade but is slowly warming up to him.
Ass hoe... Pretty much is a pervert and flirts a lot with the other 2 girls... Shade hates him
Guy #1 is Girl #2's twin brother. He's more like Girl #1 but doesn't talk much to Shade unless he needs to like for work or a question

Last is the Boss... I don't know what their gender should be so you guys can pick. They are strict but pretty chill also.

So! If you wanna give them a name comment like this
Girl #1's name should be _____
Girl #2's name should be______
Ass hoe's name should be_____
Guy #1's name should be______
Boss's gender should be_______ and name should be___________

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