8| perspective

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Over the weekend, I didn't do much apart from lay in bed and think.

I mainly thought about my stalker and the altercation in the corridor but my mind flitted through other things too.

I had laid on my bed on the soft silk sheets in my comfortable tracksuit bottoms and an oversized hoody, musing about what I had done to get to this position.

It had seemed like nothing in my life at the moment was working.

Apart from Lennox and Grace, no one else seemed to like me. I know it sounded silly but I thought the stalker was on my side but it turned out that he wasn't after all.

He was just a stranger, a man who I had never spoken to but for some strange reason, it hurt when he turned on me. He had become another person that had to be added to the growing list of people against me. At the moment it felt like the whole world was against me and the very thought made my lips downturn in a sad frown. I didn't want it to be like this.

After mellowing and thinking all Saturday, I hopped out of bed on Sunday.

If I was anything, I was not a person who sat there feeling sorry for myself.

Yes, my mother and my father hated me as did the whole population of East Bridge and now so did my stalker but I had to remain positive.

I had Lennox and Grace even though I hadn't seen the latter in a while but the important thing to remember was that they truly loved me. If they remained by my side, I couldn't care about the rest of the world hating me; I could handle it.

But thinking about my friends, my skin turned hot in shame.

They were the only two people in the world that I loved and I still kept secrets from them.

Forcing the negative thoughts out of my mind, I changed into exercise gear and took off into the home gym that my mother had installed, ready to force out all of the hurting emotion within me until I felt peacefully drained and empty.

• • •

Monday morning came around quicker than expected.

It was a beautiful, sunny day and my skin felt warm from the orange globe that shone down on me from the blue sky up above.

I wanted to walk to school so badly but I knew I couldn't.

Until I knew for sure that the stalker wasn't out to get me, I had to be more careful.

I arrived in school and headed to first period, eager to avoid everyone and anyone. Just before the bell rang for my next lesson, I excused myself to go to the toilet.

When I looked into the mirror, exhausted, dimmed green eyes stared back at me.

So much was going on in my life and thanks to my overworking brain and my reoccurring nightmares, I never got a lot of sleep, always leaving me so tired and drained.

I wanted to leave Richview so badly, never look back at this godforsaken town where only trouble seemed to follow and start afresh.

My musings were interrupted when I heard the door to the bathroom open.

I didn't bother to look at who was coming in but after a moment, I saw who had joined me from the reflection in the mirror.

Maia was standing there behind me, facing my back. Something about her didn't look normal.

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