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Bakugo: Who, in the ever loving FUCK is is playing the F.R.I.E.N.D.S tune on the tuba at 3:00 AM?!
Sero: Kaminari
Jiro: He's surprisingly good at it
Bakugo: Shitty Hair, don't you DARE bang your head on the table to mach the tune
Bakugo: and you done it
Kirishima: i finzlk iheva conxcuqsjjon
Jiro: @Iida come get your boyfriend
Iida: On my way there.
Kirishima: tebnhjyhaaa ydehy
Iida: That's definitely concussion
Midoriya: Why did Iida-kun just run through the corridor?
Jirou: Kirishima has concussion
Midoriya: Oh
Kaminari: big  oof for him
Bakugo: It's your fucking fault dunce face
Kirishima: yedse
Iida: Eijiro! Get off your phone!
Kirishima: fhuxck odfuhf
Iida: That goes for everyone! GO TO BED!
Jiro: Goodnight father
Kaminari: night dad
Midoriya: Goodnight Dad!
Ashido: night papa
Bakugo: night dad
Kirishima: ngicst dstagd
Yes im alive

Srry i haven't updated
I was busy for the last week soo....



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