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Bakugo: Which one of you fuckers drank my coffee
Shinsou: It was your coffee? 
Kirishima: Oh no
Kirishima: ok, here's a tip-
Kirishima: never drink Bakubro's coffee
Shinsou: point taken
Midoriya: Are you ok Shinsou?? Are you hurt??
Shinsou: Just a couple of bruises but I'll be fine
Mina: awww you two should be together you two are so cute
Midoriya: stop...
Shinsou: ...
Iida: Eijiro, are you almost ready?
Kirishima: Yep! Just doing my hair!
Tsuyu: What are you two doing? Kero.
Kirishima: Me and Tenya are going on a date!
Mina: aaaawwwwww
-_Real life brought to you by Kirishima's croc collection_-
-_3rd POV_-

Kirishima trotted down the stairs to see his boyfriend waiting for him in the common room. "You ready, Ten? " The redhead asked, "Yes I am Eijiro. Let's go now. " Iida said, with a soft smile. They left the dorms and headed to the park.

The park was beautiful,  cherry blossoms slowly falling from their trees, the vibrant green grass and a pastel blue sky. The perfect place for a date.

The couple walked around for a bit until they found a bench to sit on. Kirishima cuddled up to his boyfriend and let his head rest on his shoulder. The taller male kissed Kirishima's hand and held on to it.

"I love you, Ten-Ten. " Kirishima said softly looking up at Iida. "I love you too, Eijiro. "

I finally did some fluff for y'alls
And soft Iida-
So cute 🥺

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