16. The truth pt.2

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After playing video games with Wonwoo for a little while I decided to go look for the rest of the members to ask.

As I walked down the hallway I saw jun and Joshua.
"Wassup guys" I said
"Oh hey y/n" Joshua said
"Wassup y/n" jun said
"I got a question for you guys"
"What's up"
"So this is about Vernon"
"We already know y'all are in a relationship stop bragging about it" jun said as he rolled his eyes.
"No, I wanna know more details about Vernon being in a gang" I said as I looked at jun because he looked so annoyed every time I said Vernon's name.
"Ugh, imma head out, you guys can talk about him all y'all want but I don't wanna hear this bullshit so Im leaving" him said as he walked away from us.
"What's up with him"
"He doesn't really like Vernon"
"You can ask Jeonghan about the whole gang situation he'll tell you all about it" Joshua said and then walked away from me.

Why does jun hate Vernon. Hmm interesting anyways now I need to go look for Jeonghan.

I saw Mingyu sitting down on the couch from up stairs.
"YA IS HOSHI AND WOOZI HERE" I yelled from upstairs.
"NOO" he yelled back

I walked over to Jeonghan room.
Before I walked in I checked my phone because someone texted me. It was jade I answered him back quickly and I checked the time and it was already 10:30 pm.

I knocked on his door.
"Come in"
"Jeonghan can I talk to you" I said as I walked in
"Yeah, come over here"
I sat on the bed with him
"Can you tell me about Vernon and the gang situation"
"What have the other members told you"
"That Vernon was part of a gang with mark"
"Hmm alright so are you ready to listen to the whole story"
I nodded
"Just know that what I'm about to tell you is only things that I know and the other members. Mark knows more than us so I might not be telling you everything"
I nodded.
"Alright so mark and Vernon were really good friends back then, they joined a gang to find information on this one girl which you have already met with. Tzuyu. She was kidnapped from this gang and was forced to work with them. Later on mark found out that she was missing for a while and went looking for her. That's when they found of she was part of this gang and needed help. So they helped her out and after all of that was finished Vernon and mark were still getting threats. So they decided to make their own gang which became really famous here. The members who were part of the gang were of course mark which was the leader and Vernon, tzuyu, taeyong, Johnny and yuta."
"Ahh so those were the other guys I saw last time"
"Yeah but ever since mark started dating you,Vernon was kicked out because the whole gang thought you were more important and I honestly don't know what that means. Ever since Vernon got kicked out he has been rude to every single girl, he was trying his best to find out who you were. And DK was helping him, That's why Dk is always with girls he's been trying to find you. Now you know why Vernon was rude to you in the first place and then all of a sudden he turned nice. He wants revenge as so what we all think so you better watch out."
"So like is Mark's gang still trying to figure out information on me or what?"
"I'm not sure, but all I know it that mark has some new members in the gang. Which are haechan and Ten."
"What the hell. I thought those guys were my friends"
"Well I'll let you think about it imma shower and get ready for bed you can stay here and think and if you have any questions you can let me know alright"
I nodded
He got up from bed and went into the bathroom.

Wtf this is so stressful. Should I just not say anything to Vernon and Minghao. Should I just avoid them. Wait I need to tell jade about this too.

"Aish" you said and laid down on the bed
A couple minutes later you fell asleep.

Jeonghan POV
I was done taking a shower and I walked out of the bathroom and saw that y/n was still there. I looked at her and realized she was sleeping.
I grabbed my clothes and changed into them.
I walked over to her and realized that she looked so comfortable sleeping. I don't wanna move her. I covered her up with blankets and let her sleep.
I turned of the tv and the lights and fell asleep after a while being on my phone.

Vernon's POV

Why haven't I seen y/n. I need to talk to her. Is she avoiding me. This is all Minghao fault. I finally had my hands on her and she was starting to trust me.

I got up from bed and walked to y/n room. I knocked on the door but no one answered so I careful opened it.
"Y/n can we talk" I said as I peaked my head into her room.
It was silent and dark. I turned on the lights in her room to see no one there.
What the hell where is she. Is she still not back.

I walked out of the room and walked to the other members.
"Have y'all seen y/n"
"No" all of them said
"You should honestly just stop bothering her" jun said
"Excuse me"
He rolled his eyes and walked out of the kitchen.


I hope this was some what interesting. I was kinda having trouble coming up with ideas.

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