18. New gang?

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The door opened and revealed a tall guy.
"Oh, hey guys. Come in"
We walked in and sat down on the couch.
The only one I recognized was WinWin.

"Hello Jeon y/n" one of the guys said
My eyes widened. I was confused.
"Jeon?" I asked
"Yes, that's ur name Jeon y/n"
"What? Have I been lied to my whole life"
"Yes" WinWin said
I looked at him giving him a look
"The women you called mom your whole entire life isn't your real mom" the tall man said
"WHAT! Then who's my real mom"
When I heard her name my heart dropped. I could feel my self tearing up.
"Look y/n, Yujin took you away from your real parents to get money off of you. Your parents kept on trying to get you back but yujin kept on asking for more and more money. I guess Yujin plan failed in getting money off of you because she started her own gang. She's the leader on this gang mark is in. I know you been told mark is the leader but he's not it's Yujin."
"WHAT? This is so much to handle why is mark involved in this and the other gang members?"
"They want money too. That's why mark asked you out, to try and get information on you. That's why they kicked Vernon out of the gang because they had you now. Vernon was useless to them after you came along. That's the whole reason why Vernon hated you and taeyong." WinWin said
" I-
"It's okay y/n don't you dare cry over this. Y/n remember what we came here for. It's time for revenge. We got this. We're making a so called gang and getting revenge on them and most importantly we need information." Jade cut me off
I nodded
"Y/n there's one thing I need you to do"
"What is it"
"I need you to stay away from Vernon and mark for a little longer. Don't worry about them and what they are doing. If you don't show interest in them they'll start to show interest in you they're going to try and get your attention and that's a good thing once they are interested you'll take that opportunity and do what we plan on doing"
I nodded
"Okay but what's the plan for today" WinWin asked
"Today y/n I want you to go home and ask ji-ah about this. She'll give you information on everything that happened that you of course don't know. Once she tells you information you'll report it to us."
"We'll give you our phone number in a bit so you can keep in contact with us."
"Oh okay but before we continue can you guys introduce yourself please" I asked politely
"Oh of course. Hello y/n my name is jungwoo. I hope we can get along very well, nice to meet you y/n"
" nice to meet you jungwoo"
"Hi my name is Doyoung. Nice to meet you"
"Hey my name is Taeil I'm the oldest and the leader of this new mafia gang. Nice to meet you"
"Nice to meet you all. So it's Me, jade , WinWin, jungwoo, Doyoung, and our leader Taeil"
They all nodded
"I got a question y/n" WinWin asked
"Are you okay with Taeil being the leader of the gang?"
"Hmm of course he is the oldest and he probably has more experience than me so I'm fine with who ever is the leader as long as it's not me because I can barely take care of my self"
"Same here" jade said as he let out a laugh

It was already 7:30 pm and me and jade we're heading home.
"Bye guys" we said as we waved
The guys waved back at us before closing the door.

"Jade" I said breaking the silence
"What is it?"
"Wanna stay over"
"Hmm really? We have school tomorrow tho"
"Don't worry about school. Tomorrow is Friday anyways it wouldn't hurt to be late again" I giggled
"Hehe your right"
"We can stop by your house tomorrow before school so you can get ready"
He nodded

Skip time

Me and jade entered the house revealing no one.
"I guess no one is hope, which is a good thing"
"So what should we do"
"Oh right we have to talk to ji-ah"
"Oh right we're do you think she might be"
"Come on let's check if she's in her room"
We walked down the hallway until we reached her room.
I knocked but no one responded
"Ji-ah u in there"
"Ji-ah is upstairs in my room. Want me to call her down?"
"Ahh" me and jade yelled because Wonwoo scared us
"Oh my bad" he giggled
"It's okay and yes can u plz call her down"
He nodded and started walking away
"Actually wonwoo can you tell her to meet us in my room"
"Want a water before we head up stairs"
Jade nodded
I walked into the kitchen and grabbed two water bottles and headed up stairs with jade.

Five minutes later someone knocks on the door
"Y/n it's me ji-ah"
"Come in"
She walks in and closes the door behind
We are sit down on the bed
"Ji-ah you're my real mom?"
Her eyes widened
"I- how did you-"
"Don't worry we already found out but we need you to tell us the rest"
"And we are going to tell you what we are planning on doing"
"Hmm alright well I already have an idea where this is going but I'll tell you everything you guys need to know first. So listen carefully. Okay?"
We both nodded and began to listen


It's been a while but I'm back

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