15. The truth pt.1

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"Look at what you did" Vernon said
I rolled my eyes and went into my room.

Did Minghao just expose Vernon? Is Vernon using me? Wait wtf! MINGHAO KISSED ME!!! AHH wait why am I acting like this. Minghao is just a Friend right? I mean I did like him but Vernon asked me out.
Aish this is stressing me out. I mean I guess it's time to figure out the truth about Vernon I'm going to go ask the other guys.
I walked out of my room and started walking downstairs I saw Dino sitting down on the couch on his phone. I decided to sit next to him and lay my head on his shoulder.

Dino POV
I felt y/n head on my shoulder. I didn't react to it because I was to busy on my phone.
I could tell that there's something going on with y/n she looks stressed and sad so I decided to speak to her.
"Y/n what's wrong"
"Did something between you and Vernon"
"What, nothing happened"
"Are you sure"
She didn't say anything.
"Would you like to explain these pictures then" I showed her the pictures that were sent to me about Vernon and y/n hugging and kissing.
She lifted her head of my shoulder in shock.
"How did you get these pictures"
"Someone sent them to me"
"That doesn't matter right now. What matters is that you might be being used by Vernon"
She looked at me with shocked.
"So Minghao was saying the truth"
"Oh did minghao tell you about the gang"

"Oh did minghao tell you about the gang"
I looked at him with confusion
"Wait what, what gang?"
"Oh shit they haven't told you anything"
"No but you need to tell me what's going on now"
"No I can't, I don't even know all the details to the story. You should ask the other guys"
"Hmm alright I'll leave you alone, well anyway thanks" I got up from the couch and was about to walk away until Dino stopped me
"Can I get a hug before you leave" he asked politely.
"Huh, why"
"Well since you're trying to find out about Vernon and I just told you something that no one should really know I suppose that when you tell the other guys there going to kill me" he smiled
"Wtf is it that serious"
He nodded
I rolled my eyes and walked closer to him and hugged him he hugged me back really tight.
"Ya Dino, let go your hugging me to tight"
"Oh I'm sorry" he said as he let go.

I walked away an headed down the hallway. I heard music coming from a room so I decided to check it out. I peaked my head through the door and saw Mingyu and s.coups.

"Do you need someone y/n" s.coups asked
I walked into the dance room and sat down with them.
"I have a question"
"What is it y/n" Mingyu said.
"Was Vernon ever part of a gang"
They both looked at me with shock
"Who told you that"
"Don't worry about who told me just answer me please I'm trying to figure things out and I don't wanna get hurt again."
"Alright I'll let s.coups explain since probably remember more than me."
"Alright so I'm just going to tell you one things and I'm not going to repeat myself again alright"
I nodded
"Vernon was part of a gang with mark"
"You heard now get out. Don't ask anymore questions" Mingyu said
I got up and so did they.
"Alright well thank you for helping me"
They just smiled at me
I was about to leave the dance room until Vernon came in. As he came in I hid behind s.coups and Mingyu.
"Ya, have you guys seen y/n"
"She just left" S.coups said
"Where did she go"
"I think she was going to the mall with her friend, or she's either outside waiting for her friend"
"Ah okay thank you" Vernon said as he left the room.
"Omg thank you so much guys"
"No need to thank us, we just need you to be more careful alright" s.coups said as he patted my head.
"Yeah don't get hurt y/n" Mingyu said as he put his arm around me.
"Well thank you again I need to go talk to the other guys" I said as I walked out of the room.

I walked into the kitchen to see if their was anyone there and there was. Seungkwan and DK were sitting down at the table eating.

"Hey guys"
"Hi y/n" seungkwan said
"Wassup babygirl" DK said (I CRINGED SO HARD)
Seungkwan laughed at what Dk said
"Woah calm down there buddy she's not yours, I'm pretty sure she belongs to Vernon now" seungkwan said as he let out a giggle.
"That's why I came over to talk to you about Vernon"
"Huh? What's wrong? Did someone happen?"
"So I heard that Vernon was part of a gang"
They both looked at each other with shock and then back to me.
"What? Who told you this"
"That doesn't really matter right now"
"Hmm well we can't tell you anything about this so"
"And why can't you guys"
They both got up from the table and walked towards me.
"Look y/n, i know you don't wanna get hurt anymore and trust me we don't want to see you like that anymore but we can't talk about this with you because we don't wanna die or lose a friend" Dk said as they both walked away from me.

Lose a friend? Tf. Then why are the other guys telling me about this.

I walked up stairs to Wonwoo's room. I knocked on the door first just to make sure it was okay to come in.
"Come in" he said.
As I came in I realized he was playing video games.
"Oh are you busy, I can talk to you later. I don't wanna bother you"
"No it's okay come over here and sit down next to me"
I walked over a sat next to him. I decided to rest my head on his shoulder.
"Y/n is everything okay"
"Not really, I'm just really confused about this whole Vernon and gang situation"
"Oh did they tell you about that, Aish I told them not to tell you anything because we didn't want to get hurt again, but at the same time we do want you to know the truth"
"You're the only one who has stayed calm so far about this"
"Oh really, who have you asked"
"Well Dino, Mingyu and S.coups were shocked but they told me a bit. And then seungkwan and Dk didn't tell me anything because they said they didn't want to die"
"I mean seungkwan is right none of us want to die, I'm pretty sure Vernon is capable of doing something like that, which is very terrifying"
"Wow is Vernon that scary"
He nodded
"Now I'm a little bit more scared than I was before"
"No don't worry you have like 12 guys to protect you in this house" he said as he hugged me.
"Thank you wonwoo"
"No need, wanna play video games with me"
"Sure why not"


Oh btw thank you for almost 900 reads

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