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"Izzy?"I look up at the door that stupid girl sally was at the door

******are conversion ********

"What do you want sally leave me alone"

"Well that's no way to treat a friend"

...... it was silent for a bit I thought maybe she left...
"I have possom!"..
"Mhmmm can yo open up and just take this poor rodent please?"

*********end of conversion ****

I opened up the door a pulled her quickly locking it behind her."whoa chill they don't know I'm up here"she giggled like she just win a game.I took the possom from her it was still alive just not entirely."thanks"I snapped its neck and drained it dry "ugg that's discusting"I look at her "and its not when you eat people?"she looked up at me"well no animal blood is like trans in are world people wouldnt understand that's why the get all upset before we kill them"she smiled at me.I finished the possum it tasted so good but I felt kinda dizz all of a sudden.sally was giggling she skipped to the door and unlocked it "Jeffy!!"suddenly I felt to strong hands wrap around my nine year old body.
.......everything went black........

I woke up strapped to a wheel chair at what looks like a brown old dinner table with everyone around it slendy to my left and sally to my right and Jeff right across from me.hey all had a cup of sticky smelly red liquid that just made my heart speed up.Jeff must of notice because he smirked at me.He got up from where he was sitting and put a cup with a bendy straw right in front of me."drink it its the ninth year and the ninth hour of your birthday cupcake"he smiled at me"can you untie my hands so I can eat like a big girl?"he chuckled and un did my hands.I looked up at him "its animal blood I don't want to fight you anymore just drink it please"I took the cup and chugged the blood but it tasted deferent it tasted sweet and it gave me a tingly feeling.I notice my dad smiling bigger than usual." your as stubborn as you mom but also just as dumb he he he"I didn't know what to say. I didn't dare open my mouth because if I did I wouldn't be able to control my begging for more.

Jeff the killer's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now