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hi you guys!! how are you!! hope everything is great !! 

ok i just need to tell you a few things

1 im new!! yes i never wrote a book this is my first one so at the end of it i will like you to tell me what you think of it if it needs some changes for the next one...

2 updates of the stories . ill try to at least update a chapter for a day to keep you informed of the story but if one day you see that there is nothing new means that i had such a busy day that i could not but ill try a least a chapter a day!

3 the book Ok so getting back to the book now im gonna tell you a little summary

summary: lori and meg are both best friends since they were little , now they both auditioned for the new zombie movie zombies 2 they both get accepted lori as addison and meg as bree  . When they get to the set lori meets Pearce whose rol part is zed the male lead in the movie.

Lori gets in love with him and so does Pearce, Lori also meets milo  whose rol in the movie was wyatt, milo gets in love with lori . So milo and pearce will try and conquer lori by doing crazy funny and romantic stuff. Who will lori choose? will her be choosing his first crush pearce? or will she change it for milo?....

keep reading to know



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