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i ran and ran to the outside cafeteria and triped with the grass, damm it! 

pearce ran to me and said

-are you ok?-

-yes thanks- i said- agh! im so clumsy....

we both laugh and i finally sitted with him and we started the dinner.

after a hour dinnering we didnt know what to say! 

-so...- said pearce

-so...- i said

- i had a great time with you - he said

-yeah me to- i said

and again i saw him starting to get close to me i got closer to him we were about to kiss again until , milo came

- hey!- said milo- do you mind if i sit here with you guys?

-actually we do mind!- said pearce in a rude way- i was dinnering with her not you

-guys....- i started to say knowing what was gonna happen if this kept going

-well maybe she wants to dinner with me not you!- said milo

- oh you really think that?- said pearce

- well, i just think she deserves a better person a.k.a knowed as me, and not a dork like you following her all the time- said milo

- WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!-said pearce

-guys... stop- i said

- well let be her to decide!!!- said milo

-FINE!- said pearce

- GUYS STOP IT!- i said

- LORI, CHOOSE!!!- they both said

i... i .... im sorry i standed up and started to run towards the room i triped but got up and kept running.

the boys also stood up to follow me but meg stopped them

- wow, wow, wow , now where do you think you're going?-said meg

- TO TALK TO LORI! - they both said

- yeah , well what lori needs now is her bff a.k.a knowed as me , to give her some advice, so you're staying here!- meg said and went to our room

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