yes! i do!

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meg's pov: ( means wherever that i put -i said- means meg is saying that line k?

i went down and saw milo sitted in a cafe table i went to him and said

-can i sit?-

- yeah ! - milo said

-milo there is something i need to tell you-

-yeah?- milo said

- when i first got here, i always loved you, your nice sweet and smart boy, you always make people feel better and always make people laugh-

-meg,- milo said- that is the most beautiful thing someone has said to me!-i always loved you to, but lori is so beautiful, her beautiness blind me for the one i actually love, you, meg- can i ask you something?

- yeah- said meg

milo stood up and reverenced to me and said

- do you wanna be my girlfriend now till the end of times?-

-yes! i do!!!- i said and milo kissed me

- oh!- i said- we have to tell lori!- said meg

- why'- said milo

- because she loves pearce and didnt want to tell you because she didnt want you to be crushed!- i said

- oh!-  milo said- so i have to tell her that i dont love her anymore that i love you and that she can tell pearce the truth?- milo asked

- thats my sweet little smart boy!- i said- now , hurry lets get to the bedroom-

we went to our room and knocked

- lori , can we come in we have some great news for you!- i said

- yeah sure!- said lori

we came in and i said

- milo and i are dating!-

- what? , thats so good- lori said

- yes but, quick yo have to tell pearce you love him!- i said

-yes! - lori said- where can i find him?-

- oh!- said milo- he always goes to the lake when he needs to think of something -

-ok!- lori said

- GO!, RUN FOR LOVE!!!- milo and i said

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