the date

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i walked towards him and seated by his side and he hand me a picnic bag y looked at it, inside there was a sandwich juice and a apple not bad...

-hey! you finally came!- said pearce

-yeah im sorry but a had to talk to meg and...- i said

- dont worry about it! the important thing is that you are here and we can finally start!- pearce said

after a hour eating and talking we didnt realize how late it was!

-so...-said pearce

-so...-i said and we both laugh

-can i ask you something?- said pearce

-yeah sure!- i said

-are you emm.. dating someone- said pearce

that question shooked me

-emm no -in fact i never dated anyone- i said

-how is that posible?!- pearce said - i mean a beautiful smart and nice girl like you should have boys crawling by her back..

i laughed but then i saw pearce starting to get close to me! WAS HE GONNA KISS ME!!! i also started to get close to him, our lips were about to meet until....

the saga: love is in the airWhere stories live. Discover now