big news

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Today was the big day!!! the day i will know if im in the new zombies movie zombies 2, i quickly went to my computer and opened my email , i refreshed and refreshed , but there was nothing , when i was gonna turn off my computer and call meg to tell her im not in the movie a push notification just came in! i clicked on it and there it was!!! i couldnt believe it!! i was addison!!! 

i took my phone and called meg i hope she got in to

-meg!!!!!-im in the movie!!!!!!-

- me too!!!!!!!!-

- omg!!! were both in!!- i said

-what part did you get?- asked meg 

-im addison!!!! and you?- i said

- well say hello to your movie bff , because im bree!!!!- said meg

- but i dont get it ..- 

- what dont you get lori?-

- how is it that they chose me for addisson and not you? - im not blond!-

- yeah but I don't know how to sing high-pitched!!-

-oh thats right!-

-im terrible at it!!-said meg and we both laugh

-so meg wanna come in to my place and reharse?- i said

-yeah ill be right there!-

- ok bye!-


i hung up and had a look at the lines , wow ill wonder who my zed will be...

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