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last night i couldnt sleep a wink! the more i tryed the more i couldnt! must be the nervs! good thing there is a cafeteria there! i will drink a huge coffee mug when we get there

we were in meg ' s car listening to los 40! our favorite radio i looked at the window wow! it was so dark! 

-so girls ready for your first day in the set?- said meg 's mom

- yeah but yesterday i was so nervous i couldnt sleep at all!- i said

- no wonder you have that sleepy face today! dont worry my mom does the best coffee 's ever!- said meg

- yeah i guess a bit of coffee now and some sleep later will make you feel better!- said meg 's mom

but meg and i shut up and look at the window with our mouths open IT WAS HUGE!!! it looked like a castle!!! 

-THATS THE SET?!- meg and i said at the same time

-yeap pretty isn't it?- said meg's mom

- how can it be so big!? - asked meg

- its the most popular set in the world ! for 2 things- the first one is because here they shooted the first movie! and second because this is the only set in the world thats placed in a forest- said meg's mom

she was right even if it was still dark you could see those big pine trees birds flying everywere it was beautiful the car stopped and meg and i got down of the car a boy maybe 15 17 came to meg and i and presented him self

-hi im pearce nice to meet you!- said to us

- hi im meg! - 

- and who are you?- said to me but i wasnt listening i got distracted by how deep was the forest

- lori... - said meg bumping me in the arm

-oh! sorry im lori nice to meet you!- i said

-well i see you like the forest dont you?- said to me

-yeah its so beautiful-i said

-wanna go for a walk and ill show you all the set?- said to me

-yeah sure! - i said - coming meg?-

-no i dont like walking and you know it! - im gonna go un pack my bag- said meg

- jajaja! ok meg see you later!

-ok bye!-

i couldnt stop realizing that pearce was actually very handsome but i looked away fast i dont want him to know that im looking at him

-well this forest has centuary of years and see that pine tree there?- pearce said

-yeah- it was a huge pine

-its the oldest pine in this hole forest ! 100 years old- pearce said

-wow! its beautiful!-

-wanna go later for a picnic ? - pearce asked

-yea sure ! ill love to go!- i said

-ok but now lets head back i have to show you the rest of the set- said pearce

i couldnt stop looking at him! he was so cut and nice and omg! did he just invite to a date??? nah! just a picnic i guess thats what they do to every one that's new? a welcoming picnic? or was it a date?? i didnt really know and i was not gonna ask him oh well ! lets see what meg thinks...

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