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meg and i rehersed for hours and hours , singing dancing and laughfing a lot!! , especially when someone did a dance step wrong or forgot the lines! when meg left home , my parents made me a super special dinner for me getting into the movie

-what are we celebrating?- i asked joking - just kidding omg!! i cant believe i got in!-

-oh were so proud of you! - dad said hugging me

-yeah our little baby is growing up- said mom hugging me too

-mum! dont call me that im not a baby..!-

-you are our baby...- said dad

After dinner, my parents went to see tv and i head to bed

-hunny! going to bed so early?- said my mom

-yeah tomorrow i have to wake up at 6!

-oh ok do you want dad to take you?-

-no dont worry meg 's mom is taking us -

- oh i hope its not a problem for her!- said mom

- no dont worry she works in the set 's cafeteria-

-oh ok well good night hunny!- mom said kissing my forehead

-night!- i said

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