Tiana x Reader [Unfinished]

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🖤 So I started this idea awhile ago and have just completely lost inspiration to finish this at the moment. I do want to publish it so most of this will be a regular one shot and the rest a headshot. Basically quick bullets of the plot. If you would like me to completely finish this just comment or star. Also let me know if you want more headshots. I can write those a lot quicker. Anyways thanks for reading and my new followers, enjoy.
3rd POV
Times were rough especially for (y/n). She currently was living on the abandoned sugar mill property owned by the obnoxious Fenner brothers. Though it was definitely not the best place to live it suffices till (y/n) saved enough money to get her own place.

(Y/n) was currently a door to door saleswoman selling random gizmos, that the 'big boys' as he boss said, didn't want or couldn't sell themselves. (Y/n) has quite a witty mind and even though almost everyone has a negative opinion of her working, she can still sell a truck load of vacuums and other mumbo jumbo to anyone.

(Y/n)'s real dream was to work in a restaurant being a (restaurant job of your choice) but all the jobs in the area were currently filled and weren't hiring. So for now, the rundown mill is her home.

(Y/n) was currently reading a very worn (favorite book genre) book in the abandoned sugar mill. She sat in a small cluster of pillows and blankets being on the only sturdy indoor balcony in the building. Content with her book she gently yet ambitiously turned the old worn page. On the most thrilling and suspenseful part of the climax of the story (y/n) is interrupted by the sound of a women energetically yelling,

"Just look at it, Mama. Doesn't just make you wanna cry?"

Startled by the sound the (h/c) haired women jumps a little, dropping the book onto the blankets. Not wanting to be found (y/n) attempts hide in the shadows to watch the unexpected guests. Birds fly out of the building using the holes in the roof, scared by the noise as a young women rushes to the center of the front room. The young women has dark skin the color of coffee with having large brown eyes, slightly curly raven black hair in a ponytail and wearing a casual yellow dress. An older women then steps into the building replying to the young African American women.

"Yes." She says with hesitantly some slight sarcasm.

The older women has dark colored skin, short dusty brown gray hair, brown eyes, wearing a tan coat and matching hat with a flower attached. In the older woman's hands she carry's a large brown pot with a red perfectly made box wrapped around it.

(Y/n) watch's as best she can as the younger women zooms around the room.

"The main D. gonna be right where you are stayin'." She points to points to a corner before scurrying off to another part of the room.

"And over here, a gourmande kitchen." With much energy the woman twirls around in a patch of sunlight that managed to find its way through a large hole in the roof.

"And hang up from the ceiling a big, old crystal chandelier." She shouts with passion, her brown sparkling. (Y/n) puts her hand over her mouth to muffle a giggle at the woman's rambunctious energy.

"You are your Daddy's daughter, all right." The older women chuckles. "He used to go on and on about this old sugar mill too." The older women walks closer to the younger one. "Baby cakes, I'm sure, this place is gonna be just wonderful. But it's a shame you're working so hard." The young women pulls away,

"But how can I let it now when I'm so close. I got to make sure all that hard work means something."

"Tiana!" The older woman slams the pot abruptly on a table. "Your Daddy may not have gotten place you always wanted but he had something better. He had love." 'Love' (y/n) gives a remorseful smiles. "And that's all I want for you, sweetheart." The older woman takes the broom from Tiana's hands and swings her arm around Tiana's shoulder. "To me you and prince charming end dance out until y'all happily ever after."

"Mama!" Tiana blushes making her look cute and slightly vulnerable. "I don't have time for dancing." She slides over to the side and starts gently hum, "That's just gonna have to wait a while."

"How long we're talkin' about here?" Tiana's mom questions with her hands on her hips. Tiana moves to one of the covered up windows and giant used wheel.

"Ain't got time for messing around, And it's not my style." Tiana adds in a singsong voice while grabing an old weathered wooden chair and places it by the old giant spool as her mom comes to sit down in it. Tiana then pulls a white sheet off the window letting a little sunlight pour into the building.

(Y/n)'s POV

"I want some grandkids." The mom says and I giggle a little more at the moms silliness. Tiana continues on,

"This whole town can slow you down." Tiana presents a piece of paper in front of her mom, I can't see the what's on the paper. "People taking the easy way." Tiana sings.

3rd POV
Tiana then lifts her moms chin up to gaze at the open area of the mill. "But I know exactly where I'm going." "And getting closer closer, every day. And I'm almost there." Tiana twirls around the room,

"I'm almost there! People down here think I'm crazy, but I don't care."

Tiana goes on signing and leaving (y/n) breathless in admiration for her. Soon Tiana finishes her song with a dramatic high note,

"And I'm almost there,
I'm almost there! I'm almost there!!!!!!!"

Tiana grabs her moms hand and walks scampers out of the building closing the door. Two seconds later a part of the mill falls apart and thuds against the wood floor.

(Y/n)'s POV
'Wow just wow.' I'm left with my mouth open in wonder. Climbing down the stairs whimsically where Tiana was just dancing. Must I say Tiana was so amazing with the amount of passion in her eyes and movements. She's exactly what this world needs, being a dreamer and a hard worker.

"It's no problem Mama I'll get it." I hear the door open and Tiana's voice I have no time to move before she swings her head to meet my (e/c) eyes. "What are you doing in here?" She asks me.

"Ummm well you see I live around here and stop by time to time." I say rubbing the back of my neck with a blush apparent on my cheeks.

"Alright well I'm Tiana and it's nice to meet you."

"(Y/n)." I reply happily.

"Tiana we better get going if your going to Charlottes party." Theodora calls from outside.

"Its been nice meeting you (y/n) but I have to go. Maybe I'll see you around town."

"Yeah I would like that very much." I reply before Tiana leaves with the gumbo pot in her hands and I smile on her face.

Ok that's as much as I got. Comment if you want me to finish this.

Originally published as one shot #5

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