Chapter 27: Just a Normal Guy

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I blinked my eyes open and found myself in an uncomfortably bright room. I groaned as I felt my head pound so hard against my skull that I thought it was going to break out of there. I sat up in bed and rubbed by forehead. Gods, what had happened last night?

As the room slowly came into focus, my stomach began twisting painfully in my stomach. I desperately searched for anything I could vomit into and was pleased to find a big, red bucket by my bedside. I rolled down onto the floor with a loud 'thud', wondering how I hadn't involuntarily emptied my stomach all over the carpet yet.

It didn't take long for the intense nausea to overwhelm me though, and soon I was retching into the bucket before me like there was no tomorrow, the smell of different types of liquor encouraging me to vomit even more.

As I was busy emptying my stomach of whatever I had filled it with, I failed to notice the door to the room I was in open, followed by someone making their way inside.

"I thought I heard something. Did you fall off the bed?" The voice was eerily familiar, but I just couldn't figure out exactly who it was, especially with my head deep in a bucket. "I'll get you a glass of water."

The person disappeared and I was once again left alone, puking out my guts. When my stomach was finally empty, my forehead was coated in sweat and my mouth reeked of stomach acid. I wanted nothing more than for death to embrace me. Gods, how much did I drink?

I massaged my temples, trying to soothe away the intense headache, but the headache was unfortunately there to stay. When the intense vomiting finally passed, I realized how thirsty I was. Fortunately, the gods seemed to have been listening, seeing as shortly after the person from before came back into the room, a tall glass of water in their hand. It wasn't before they handed me my water that I realized who I was staring at and exactly where I was.

Hiccup was crouched down beside me, a soft smile on his face as he brushed away a stray strand of hair from my face. I looked around the room and finally recognized it as the Haddock house guest room. Fucking hell, I was back.

"Gods, you had me scared there for a minute, Astrid." Hiccup spoke so softly I didn't even know what to think for a minute. He just sounded so loving and ... strangely relieved.

I glanced over at the bucket. "Yeah, sorry about the puking."

It wasn't before then that I had realized how raspy my voice was. I sounded like I had been smoking cigarettes for the past 60 years, and that was definitely not a cute look on me.

Hiccup raised his brows and stared at me in wonder. "Puking? You don't have to be sorry about that at all! Tell me, how much do you remember from last night?"

I took a moment, trying to recollect my memory before I was hit with a massive wave of shame and regret. Why didn't anyone stop me from singing? Or dancing for that matter? "I'm so sorry if I embarrassed you and Valerie, I didn't mean to sing and dance so horrendously."

Hiccup furrowed his brows as he forced me to meet his eyes. "Astrid, you do know you were drugged last night, right?"

I couldn't believe what this man was telling me, drugged? No way, I was always careful no matter how drunk I was. It was probably a misunderstanding of some sort. "Ha ha, very funny Hiccup, but I wasn't drugged last night, I'm careful."

Hiccup sat down beside me, refusing to break our eye contact as his forehead creased. "Astrid, you and I both know I would never mess with something like that."

Oh my gods, he was being serious. As if on cue, the memory of a hand under my shirt and in between my thighs hit me like a freight train and I instantly shot to my feet, clutching my head as it throbbed painfully against my skull. "No, no, no."

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