Chapter 27

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D'Asia POV
next day

I wake up and khamal next to me fucking snoring.
Ugh I hate ppl that snore but it's not that loud lol so I guess I can deal.

Idk where this puts us but hopefully somewhere steady and he's really done hoeing around and he takes us seriously cause I'm not going to let this man play around with me !

I check my phone it's 12pm I shake khamal cause something about a nigga sleep while I am don't sit right with me I be bored as hell.

" khamal get up I'm bored" I said

" what girl you just got up" he said mad

" idc get up" I said kicking him off the bed

" really you so childish" he said

As he gets up I get up to get him a tooth brush and towel throws it at him

" now why would you do that" he asked

I giggle and head to the bathroom I started brushing my teeth and here he comes using the bathroom

" really while I'm in here" I asked

" you acting like you didn't just ride this dick" he said

He right he right I did fuck him good lmao I haven't did that in a minute it was great I'm glad he pulled out I would have never fucked him without a condom but I guess it just happened.

" where you go last night" I asked

" take care of some business with the guys" he said

" I wasn't with no bitches if that's what you think" he added

" no I didn't think that because I don't care" I said

" you know if you really don't care then I can make that happen but if you do you better tell me now" he said

" okay okay goofy I do and don't play with me cause I'm leaving for good this time" I said

" you mine forever" he said laughing

I heard foot steps coming up stairs.

" ewww both of y'all are ugly" Deairra said rolling her eyes

" girl shut up" I said

" right" khamal said

" so let me guess yall back at it and Kiera can't come over here anymore because of this" she asked

" i mean that's the best way to handle it" I said

" well you my sister family first so if this what you want then I got you sis" she said

" thanks sis" I said

We get done and back in the room.

" so we together" he asked

" duhhh goofy but only if you can promise to tell me the truth and stay loyal" I said

He didn't say anything he just came and kissed me

" you got it help me love you" he said

" ok" I said

" what you wanna do today" he asked

" eat" I said

" I bet put your clothes on let's go" he said

30 mins later

We driving and pull up to wendys I love it here lol

" I love wendys" I said

" oh really that's good" he said smiling

After I get my food we pull off I ordered Dave's double with fries and added a 6pc spicy nuggets and large medium strawberry lemonade.

It was so good I thought we was going back to my place but he started driving different direction.

15 mins later

We pull up to this big ass house out in the burbs.

" who house" I asked

" my auntie house but my Stash house" he replied

Stash house I guess it makes sense.

We get out walk up to the door he opened it and i smelled food cooking.

" khamal who is this gorgeous lady with you" she yelled

He seen I looked confused and pointed at the ring camera and I was like oh lol thought the lady was crazy or something

" auntie this my girl D'Asia" he said

We walked towards the kitchen

" let me guess she know everything about you you bringing her to this house" she said

" yes I do" I said

" well that's good we'll come here give me a hug dear" she said smiling

I gave her a hug and she wispered

" so he treating you good"

" Umm this our first day back together a month ago I left him" I said laughing

" let me guess them hoes" she said

" yes them" I said laughing

Khamal was somewhere in the house while we was talking

He came back up stairs with a duffle bag.

" alright auntie We out love you" he said

" alright see you nice to meet you" I said

She just motioned us out lol she was nice

" what's in the bag" I asked when we got back in the car

" look"

I opened it and it was stacks of money

" oh I guess" I said closing it

Am I doing the right thing ? I'm really dealing with a drug dealer. Will I get passed it ? Thoughts ran thru my head

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