Chapter 8

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We drove and drove and we finally arrived at Maddison's.

«It took so long,Ari!» Screamed Maddison

«Not my fault that you live so far from my house!»

«Okay,okay! You're right!»

She opened the backseat door and she sat next to Aaron. I turned around and said:

«Okay so the one next to you is Aaron and the one next to me is Blake! And guys this is my super-duper-incredible-awesome-and-beautiful best friend!»

Maddison turned around first to Aaron and shake his hand, talked a little and then to Blake and did the same thing.

«So guys! Where to we go!»Said I.

«Well we could go bowling?» Said Blake.

«Yeahh!!Good idea! I'm gonna beat you all!» Said Aaron.

«Okay! So I guess it's bowling? So we're going at the closest one?» At the same time as I was turning the key.

«Yeah!» Screamed Maddison Blake and Aaron.

We arrived to the bowling place and got in. Blake and Aaron were paying.

« Hey girls! What's your shoe size?» Asked Aaron

«It's 6 for me and 6 for Maddison too!»

«Okay!So you girls will go get the hot dogs and fries?»

«Yeah,sure!»Said Maddison

I went with Maddison at the bowling bar asked 6 hotdogs and 5 fries.

We found a table and then the guys joined us a few minutes later. I can't believe how guys can eat! They could eat a whole pizza!

The guys went to the bathroom and Maddison and me went to our alley. There was 12 alleys and half of them were occupied so 6. We had the alley 7.

I looked around and there was a little kid's party. I wonder how they can even lift those balls. There was also a couple of old persons playing bowling and teenagers in a corner making out.

How wonderful! I hate people making out. At least have a little of privacy!Whatever! 

The guys came and we finally played. We were in teams. Me and Aaron and Maddison and Blake.

I took a ball with a 7 on it. The more the number is high the more it's weight. Maddison took a 7 too but the guys,they took 12. But I have too say they have a lot of muscle and abs! Okay! No more day dreaming. It's not good for me.

Aaron's P.O.V

I was paired up with Arielle. I was really happy but I didn't want to show it. I almost blushed! That's not what a guy thing. I have to say I was insecure about what people thing of me. Or more of my actions.

At first, Blake and Maddison were leading but then Arielle striked 2 times in a row! And she says she never played bowling. At our last shot, I did a strike and that was the winning throw!

I was really happy of my self! Then Arielle hugged me!

«Good job, bowling  buddy!»

«Well thanks! I told you so that we will beat them!» As a gave a smile to Arielle.

«Listen, it's getting really hot in here. I'm going outside to take a breath and I'm coming back.»While she was waving her hand to make more air.

«Sure! I'll tell the others too.»  

I had a weird feeling at that moment. I told them I was going at the bathroom but I was following Arielle.

Arielle's P.O.V

When Aaron scored a was really happy so I hugged him. 

It was getting hotter and hotter so I told Aaron I was going outside.

I was walking pass the door and reached outside. I sat on the bench and looked at the sky. It was getting darker.Then a man  sat on the other end of the bench.

«So what's a pretty girl doing here all alone?» And he got closer to me.

«I'm not alone. I'm with my friends.»

He was freaking me out! I was shitting in my pants. I was freaking out so I got up and started running. You know when you say run for you're life well I was in this situation!

«Hey stop running!» He started running too and screaming and out of his pocket he took out a knife.

Oh sh*t!  He has a knife! I am dead! Good-bye beautiful world! 

Why am I trying to make this funny when I'm gonna die!

I looked back and yes how clumsy I  fell! I'M OFFICIALLY GONNA DIE!

«He,he! Now that you fell you're not gonna get out of this! Look I'm going to do this the easy way or hard way. If you try to get out or escape, I will cut one finger at a time. And if you are a smart girl you know you only have ten fingers.You're not getting out of this as easely as you tought!»

My voice was starting to break down: «Please can you leave me alone. I don't have anything!»

«I don't want anything from you! I just want you!» With a chuckle.

«HEY! LEAVE HER ALONE!» Screamed a familiar voice.

I was thinking and...

No! It can't be! He will get killed!

Author's little word~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I know I felt you thinking... Who could it be?

Well you'll know it if you keep reading!

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