Chapter 10

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I woke up on the side of my bed. My arm were dangling on the floor, my feets all over the place and my blanket on the bottom of my body. Awesome I taught to myself. I never liked waking up like this.I hated it.  You know the moment when you're all cozy in your bed and then you wake up like this and have to get up? Well it happens all the time. It's not the position that bothers me, I think but more of walking up in the morning. I mean I will never be a morning person.All I want is to get marry to my bed and stay with it forever and wake up only to eat. I think I was a bear in a another life? My toughts were disturbed by a weird moaning.

«Good morning, Arielle.» Said Maddison while turning in her bed to see my face.

«Hi! I'm hungry. What are we eating this morning?» Said I with a smile on my face.

«Don't look at me! You know my house like it's yours! Go ahead and suit your self! I'm not your mother!» Maddison almost screamed at me. She never liked being waken up even tough I didn't do anything.

«I won't do that is not my ho-» I got cut by Maddison's voice.


«Okay! Have a nice day or morning with your bed!» Maddison giggled when I said that and I laughed quietly.

That's what I liked about her. Always giving no care if I would go and get something from her house and her parents didn't bother either. She is a swimmer and has a very complicated life. I'm a swimmer too but she's very competitive. She does a lot of swim meets and I think she sould go to the olympics some day! She has a twin and a older brother. She's a cat person even tough she has a dog and a bird. I can always have fun times with her and never have an dull moment with her. I don't know what would I do without her. She loves Dr.Who, a TV show. I got addicted to that too after she showed it to me. We always have inside jokes and laugh our head off when we watch Honey BooBoo show. All this just to say she's an incredible person and I would kill myself if I lost her.

I was finally in the kitchen and opened the fridge. She had nutella! Yes! Toasts and nutalla for me! My mother would never want me to eat this. She thinks is only sugar and I'll get fat. Don't worry mama, Imma only eat 4 toast and enjoy this. I know 4 is a lot but you have to take advantage! I was the happest person alive for 5 minutes! As I was eating my last piece I heard something move. I got scrared and got up to see what was it.


KYLIE! You scared me to death! I taught you were a pedophile or someting that was going to attack me. My head was still rolling the moments that happened yesterday and then  I taught of Aaron. Oh, Aaron why did you do that? I'm scared now for you. Are you okay?

Kylie was Maddison's dog. She was half husky and half german sheperd dog. She came out nicely. I liked her so much. I just wanted to take her and keep her forever.She licked all my face and then showed me her raccon. It was a racoon toy,she liked to carry around and show to people.She didn't really play with it but only walk around with it and show it to everyone. Weird dog.

I saw her twin brother coming down. They are nothing alike. Maddison is more of a dark brunette while him, he was more a dark blonde. He has green eyes and Maddison brown ones. She always wished that she had green eyes too. He has big muscles and a fine body. I'm suprised that he prefers spent his time playing minecraft than going outside and have fun. Let say that he is more a loner than a scocial person. He should get a girlfriend. It would help him of his situation maybe. He's a really good in drawing. I think he should be an artist later. I  belive that he can do great things.

«Hi Arielle. I didn't know that you did a sleepover with Maddi.» Said Christopher with a calm and peaceful voice.

«Yea, I did. You maybe didn't see me because you were on your computer...Again»

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