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"this will stink" Kihyun said and took your hand, cutting a deep line in order to get some of your blood.
You almost didn't feel it, compared to the amount of pain you were feeling in your stomach.
Kihyun poured your blood in a bowl before he placed the doll he was holding, in it.
He closed his eyes and held your arm with one hand while his other one held the blood dripping doll.
He started saying a spell.
At first slowly but then faster and faster.
Until suddenly the doll started burning so he took his hand out of the bowl.
When the fire was off you felt like your soul had been released.
That feeling of darkness taking over your body and the pain as well started fading away.
You felt weak though.
"How do you feel?" Kihyun asked wanting to know if it worked.
You just let out a big sigh and smiled at him.
"It's gone. I felt it leave"


"She's gonna feel a bit sore until tomorrow but other than that she should be okay. I broke the connection between her and that thing" Kihyun explained to the boys who just came back into the room.
Kihyun didn't want them inside while he did his thing. He says he works better alone cause he can focus on his powers easier.
"thank you again Ki" Shownu said earning a shy chuckle from Kihyun.
These two look like high-school girls flirting😂
"Oh devil, I need you to give Y/N a glass of your blood" Kihyun said turning to Changkyun.
"why does she need my blood? Vampire blood only heals wounds and stuff. It doesn't take the pain away. Y/N doesn't have any wounds" Changkyun said.
"Well Hybrid blood...and it's not for Y/N but for that small wolf inside of her" Kihyun said making Changkyun even more confused than he already was.
"the poor baby has already gone through so much. He could use some of his father's blood to tone up his strength" he added.
Changkyun was trying to keep a straight face but his eyes said otherwise.
You could see them lighten up.
"He?" Changkyun asked and Kihyun just nodded.
"B-but how do you know? It's way too early isn't it?" you asked.
"for a doctor it would be...not for a witch though" Kihyun winked at you and a big smile was plastered on your face.
"thank you Kihyun" you said and opened your arms signaling for him to give you a hug.
You gave each other a friendly hug before Shownu accompanied him to the door.
"we could use some space" Changkyun said wanting Wonho and Hyungwon to leave the room.
Well especially Wonho who has been all over you acting all caring and stuff.

You nodded at Wonho before him and Hyungwon headed downstairs.
Changkyun went down to the kitchen and grabbed a glass before he came back to you and closed the door.
He took a good bite on his wrist and pressed his skin, letting his blood drip in the glass.
You looked at it, slowly filling up with the red metal liquid, being startled.
"that must hurt" you said and Changkyun chuckled.
"It will heal in like...five seconds" he said and handed you the filled glass.
You looked at it hesitantly before you looked up at him.
"it's not that bad. I mean you've drunk Wonho's blood before" he said as he sat down next to you.
"well yeah but it wasn't even half of this. It's too much I'll probably throw u-"
"you better not! I so don't wanna clean your vomit off the bed!" Changkyun said making you giggle.
You took a deep breath before you started drinking the blood.
At first you gagged but you forced yourself to keep going.
You drunk the whole thing and then handed Changkyun the glass, coughing a few times.
You grabbed the bottle of water you had on the nightstand and drunk some, feeling disgusted by the cold metal taste of blood.
You then placed it back down and turned to look at Changkyun, finding him already staring at you.
This time he was far from serious.
He was smiling like an idiot.
You couldn't help but chuckle at him.
"What's up with you?" you asked.
Changkyun placed his hand on your still small tummy and let out a few happy giggles.
"A mini me" he said between his smiles.
"Oh don't remind me...two Changkyuns..." you said playfully, acting as if you were dissatisfied.
As soon as he looked at you with big puppy eyes you couldn't help but let out a small chuckle and caress his hand which was resting on your stomach.
"I like this side of you more" you said softly.
He stayed silent for a bit until you looked in his eyes to see his serious expression again.
You felt like regretting every word.
"me and my family have done some terrible things...we've slaughtered thousands of people through hundreds of years...I-I even murdered my own mother and my two brothers as you already heard Minhyuk say...but I won't let this baby see that monster. I'm trying to be better. That monster will be gone the moment I make sure Minhyuk rots in hell...for good this time" he said and you just sighed not knowing what to say.

"wow that's the first time you actually open up to me...not being very specific but still...it's something" you said.
"I told you we can talk once I make sure you two are safe. I don't wanna waste time talking while I can invest it in killing my evil brother for the second time" he said.
You could feel his body tense up.
"okay" you simply said before Changkyun pulled away from you and stood up.
"You stay here and rest, one of the boys will make breakfast for you" he told you as he opened the door.
"Where will you be?" you asked.
He stayed silent for a bit.
He looked at you and forced a short lasting smile on his face.
"Business" he simply said before leaving the room and closing the door after him..

Hard To Love | Monsta X vampire auWhere stories live. Discover now