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"Wonho you misunderstood this" you said as you followed after him.
He suddenly stopped and looked in your eyes giving you a smile.
"Look...we may had been attracted to each other at first but...I can clearly see you have feelings for Changkyun. And I will not stand between you two. You have a child on the way after all. Plus things have only been more awkward ever since we kissed" Wonho stated.
You widened your eyes and hid your face in your hands when you felt your cheeks turning red.
"feelings?? Wha- I don't have feelings for him" you said stuttering.
"Y/N...tell him now before it's too late" he said as he took your hands out of your face to make eye contact with you.
You let out a small sigh before you placed your hand on his cheek.
"I'm sorry.."
"It's okay. Your friends Soojin and Mia look cute too" Wonho told you playfully and you chuckled before you realised what he just said.
"wait what? How-"
"I told you two girls are looking for you. They're waiting in the living room" he winked at you before he headed to the bathroom.
You ran down the stairs with a huge smile on your face and you soon noticed the two figures you so longed to see.
The moment they saw you they ran up to you and pulled you in a tight group hug.
"OH MY GOD OUR Y/NIEEE" Soojin cheered, almost crying from how excited she was.
"I told you she would be here!" Mia said and then poke your cheek.
You soon broke the hug and lead them to the couch.
They sat on it and you sat on the table in front of them.
"Why the hell did you dissappear like that??" Soojin said almost scolding you.
"I will explain everything"
"well you better get us some coffee while you do so" Mia said and you nodded excited.
"Lemme ask Cha- Lemme grab my coat!" you said and they nodded before you made your way up to your room.

Changkyun was standing in front of the mirror, fixing his messy hair.
He looked really hot in joggers and his messy hair ngl.

"No. You're not leaving the house" he said, catching you off guard. You didn't even get to speak. He probably heard your conversation with the girls.
"B-but why?" you asked with a big pout on your face.
"It won't work" he said and you frowned.
"Minhyuk is gone! I'm not in danger anymore! I can go out with my friends if I want to! I'm not your slave!" you said feeling a bit annoyed.
You walked up to the door ready to exit the room but before you could even open it Changkyun turned you around and pushed you against it.
His face was only a breath away from yours.
"Be careful please" he said in his deep ass voice which sent shivers to your spine everytime.
You simply nodded, looking away from his eyes.
Changkyun stepped back and handed you your coat.
You took it and gave him a small smile before you headed back downstairs..


"HOLD MY FREAKING WIG! BITCH YOU'RE CARRYING A BABY WOLF??" Mia asked making everyone in the cafe stare at you.
You hid your face in embarrassment and Soojin slapped her shoulder.
"Yah! Stop fucking screaming" she whispered to her younger sister, scolding her.
"I...sorryy...but that's too much what the hell?" Mia said taking a sip of her coffee.
"I know...It took me a while to get used to it...I know all of this sounds like a fairy tale or something...but it's my life now. Warewolf or not, I already feel bonded to that baby" you admitted.
Soojin came and sat down next to you placing her hand on your tummy with a big smile on her face.
"You should've told us from the beginning. Your pregnancy won't change a single thing between us. Imma be the baby's fav auntie!" she said all giggly and Mia rolled her eyes.
"yeah sure the baby will love having an annoying ass aunt" she murmured and Soojin glared at her before all of you burst out laughing.
"I'm so grateful to have you hoes in my life" you said and Soojin rested her head on your shoulder, seeking for affection as always.
"I ain't no hoe!" Mia complained playfully.
"sure thing, hoe" you said teasing her.
"Mia is the youngest yet she's the hoest" Soojin added and both of you laughed while Mia just rolled her eyes at your comments..

You spent a few more hours chatting with your friends and drinking coffee. Well they drunk coffee while you stayed on orange juice because of the pregnancy.
It was around 10 PM when you received a message. You opened your phone to see Changkyun's name on the screen.

C: It's getting dark where are you? I'll come pick you up
Y: I'm at (Street name) at Kim's cafe.
C: omw

Once you closed your phone and put it in your bag you told the girls it was time to go and they started gathering their stuff as well.
You all walked out of the cafe and you gave them one last hug.
"Are you sure you don't want me to give you a ride?" Mia asked.
"Yeah don't worry Changkyun will be here any minute" you said and she smirked at you.
"oooo oki y'all gonn' bang in his car" she said playfully earning a glare from you.
"Yahh! Who taught you all these things?? You're still a baby!" you joked and you all laughed.
"Give us a call if you need anything oki?" Soojin asked and you nodded smiley before you waved goodbye at each other and they left.

It was getting cold and dark and you were kinda creeped out but you tried to stay as calm as possible.
You suddenly felt a presence behind you and you slowly turned around to be greeted by a familiar face.
"Hello love! You must be the one and only Y/N"

Hard To Love | Monsta X vampire auWhere stories live. Discover now