Without You

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No answer did I get, when I asked you why

I remember you never buying me flowers

And when you made my cry

For three and a half straight hours

Yes, there were the good times

None of which were worth staying for

All of them, you did begrime

And I don't care for anymore

Every care I ever had for you

Have been abolished

Every experience we went through

Have all been demolished

You never saw me for what I'm worth

Slowly, slowly inhibiting my mirth

My true thoughts I had to supplement

Because you were so insolent

You say you put your feelings aside

Just so I would feel better

Then with snide remarks you would chide

You never deciphered my letter

I always felt more than you

But looking back now, it seemed forced

Not wanting to forfeit all we went through

Despite the onslaught you endorsed

You were always so conflicted

You felt nothing when we kissed

Everything was contradicted

This is why you won't be missed

I held onto the false hope of change

Waiting for some kind of sign

Waiting for itself to arrange

Waiting for something that would never align

I'm no longer spellbound in your trance

Never again will I listen to you whine

Or talk about utter irrelevance

I'm not interested in a swine

Surprising how quickly everything scattered

All my unreciprocated passion dispersed

You never saw what truly mattered

My pain, you intrinsically coerced

I said I never wanted to be with anyone other

Now I can't believe I felt that way for you

My clarity, you did smother

And gave a rose-tinted hue

You wonder why so many turn

Away from you, when you don't learn

How to keep a bond that's equal

Don't ever believe there'll be a sequel

Your future's going to be one hard slog

I'm glad I'm not part of the plot

Your best friend is as loyal as a dog

Because you're all he's got

I'm no longer weighed down and drowning

My life is starting anew

All my dreams I will be crowning

Without you.

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