Second Best

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I have so much to give

So much to invest

Yet, despite all my actions, whatever I do

I'm always second best

My 'father' left when I was six

After hurting me

I only came first when he wanted the worst

He was never what a father should be

My mother says she loves me

More than anything there is

Forgetting to add: "Except when there's a man"

(Which there always is)

Forever prioritising what's his

My first kiss was no Fairytale

No fireworks and a cruel flash of reality

His girlfriend couldn't see him that day

He was a twat and he used me

My first relationship was an utter disaster

Two years of manipulation

Immature, childish, selfish boy

Ending in betrayed vexation

Then you came along

And with nothing to prolong

I took a chance, finally felt like I belong

Thought our connection was so strong

And would last beyond lifelong

I can't believe how much I was wrong

Four months ... so little and so much

Committed all my energy

I've never been so happy

Under your intense and gentle touch

Your decision sliced through me like a lightning bolt

Oh, you stupid, stupid fucking sod

Because of a stupid promise to a god

After sixty years you planned to leave me

For a Hindu monastery

Disregarding all promises you ever made to me

I have so much to give

Everything to invest

Yet, despite all my actions, whatever I do

I'm always second best

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