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Arthit had witnessed what will happen if you ever anger an Alpha. But this atmosphere, this aura, this power, was nothing compared to anything he has seen. The room suddenly got heavy and cold. Everyone turned their heads to the source of the chilling voice, sending shivers down their spines.

"Those years of confinement must have damaged my abilities to hear. Mind repeating what you've said about my lil one?"

Lee blinks, leaning back to cross his arms together, trailing his eyes up and down at the stranger.

"What now? And who the hell are you?"

"His protector who wants to have a word with you."

"His protector, my fucking ass"

"Such strange choice of word."

He smiles turning his attention to the boy.

"What an immature Alpha you people have. Is he really your alpha? He sounds rather, pitiful to be. Too much bark, obviously no bite."

Lee was baffled at his action.

"What the h-"

But before he could finish his sentence, the stranger lifts up a hand to silence him.

"Dogs shouldn't speak unless spoken to. And clearly, I was not talking to you."

The man sighs in disappointment before turning to face the astonished Alpha again.

"And now I'm talking to you. I'll have a guess on which line you came from, Srisuk? Kachonpadunkitti? Chakrabongse? how absurd Thanet, of course, you have inherited the stupid and pathetic temper I was never fond of."

Everyone in the room froze while taking a step back. The man fully turns, Arthit right behind him. Lee kept his guard, sending daggers at the stranger's way.

"How did you know about my family line? You scum."

"Lower those hands," The man sternly says.

"Did I not said I just wanted a conversation? I am no barbarian."


What happened next made Arthit gasp in shock. The tanned man in front of him was no longer there, but he was already on the other side of the room with Lee in his grip, lifting him up by the neck.

"I do not tolerate people raising their voice at me."

He simply explains before throwing Lee to the direction of his desk where his body knocks every paperwork off of the surface. Namtan ran forward, trying to help Lee.

Arthit watches as the man casually fixes his suit, the heels of his shoes echoing throughout the silenced room. He takes a seat across the desk, crossing his legs together as he sinks into the leather couch. Lee scramble to get up from behind the desk, groaning in pain.

Arthit sees the stranger smiling at him and gestures for him to join. In gingerly steps, he found himself seated next to the intimidating man.


Lee gasps, a streak of blood present at the corner of his mouth. The man smiles, tilting his head to the side, completely unbothered.


Lee's eyes twitch in annoyance, quickly yanking Namtan.

"Call security! Bloody make it quick!"

He screams, throwing the healer by the floor.
The stranger still had that smug look on his face, making Lee's irritation boost up.

"I'll tear you apart for doing that."

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