Chapter 3

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Kiba's pov|

     "Kiba! It's time for dinner! I'm going to go get your father, please set the table!" Tsume orders

     "Yessss, mom!" I reply

      'This is so annoying...I just don't understand that shinobi....and I don't know why Akamaru keeps barking at him...' I sigh

     "..whatever.." I whisper

     "Bark.." Akamaru whines

     "What is it, buddy?" I ask looking at Akamaru

     "Bark bark!" Akamaru responds

     "Oh yeah, I'm fine!-"

      "I didn't know you could talk to dogs," Kankuro says, walking into the kitchen

      "Uh..yeah thats a skill passed down in my genetics..." I explain

       'What's he doing in here..? God just leave please...'

        "Do you need help with those?" He asks pointing to the plates in my arms

        "Uh...sur-" I say before being interrupted

        "Bark! Bark! Bark!!!" Akamaru yells

        "Again..? What's up with you?" I ask Akamaru

        "I guess he doesn't like me, that happens with most animals that come near me," Kankuro explains

       "That's not it..Akamaru doesn't normally do that but I know it's not because he doesn't like you.." I reply still confused myself

       "Well, it doesn't really matter..See you later!" Kankuro says, grabbing the plates and leaving

       "Uh..y-yeah.." I grab my hands, still feeling the lingering sensation of Kankuro's hand

        'Agggggghhhh what the heck is wrong with me???? He's so weird! And mysterious...and kinda cute.. Wait what did I just think?? No, no I like girls! There's no way I would think-'

        "Kiba! I'm back, why don't you go sit down in the dining room?" Tsume anounces

Kankuro's pov|

       'He's like a puppy' I chuckled

       "Bark bark!" Akamaru barks as, Kiba opens the door and walks in

       "Shh, don't bark to loud, Akamaru! Mom will get mad at us!" Kiba shushes

      "Bark..." Akamaru whines

      I laugh out loud,

      "Hmm?" Kiba turns to look at me, his face slightly pink

      "Sorry you're just so funny!" I apologize, wiping tears from my eyes

      "I don't get it? I'm funny? Wait is that an insult?! I'm not going to accept your insu-" Kiba starts

      "Kiba, you better not be bullying our guest!" Tsume says, opening the door, food in her hands

      "I-im not! Wait is that beef jerky?!" Kiba asks, sparkles in his eyes

      "Yep! Now go sit down!" Tsume smiles

      "Yesss, mom!" Kiba responds, sitting down at the table almost immediately

       'He really is like a puppy' I feel my face get warmer.

(End of chapter!)
(Published April 29, 2020)

The Mutt And The Doll (Kankuro x Kiba ft. Akamaru) ⚠Discontinued⚠Where stories live. Discover now