Chapter 4

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Kiba's pov|

     "Alright everyone, dig in!" Tsume announces

     "Ikadakomasu*!" Everyone says, digging in to their food

*a greatful term to use when eating

      'This is kinda awkward...But this beef jerky is great!'

       Akamaru whines

      "Alright, keep this a secret" I whisper to akamaru, feeding him a piece of beef jerky

      "So, how is the sand village?" Tsume asks

      "Oh, its doing okay but we're still settling a lot of things," Kankuro explains

       'Settling things...riight of course, it must be sooo hard to have to let the sand village settle things..'

        "Bark! Bark!!" Akamaru barks

       "Shhh, I told you to stop barking so loud...." I tell akamaru

        "Kiba, if akamaru keeps barking like that, I'm going to ask you to take him outside," Tsume warns

        "Alright, mom....Akamaru you have to be quiet!" I reply

Kankuro's pov|

       'He seems so distant to me..but I guess I did destroy his village..'

       "Kiba, when you finish, clean the dishes, will you?" Tsume asks

        "Sure, mom...but these are a lot of dishes.." Kiba replys

        "Oh, I can help!" I offer

         'If I could at least get a moment alone with him I can apologize properly and make it up to him..'

         "Bark bark bark bark!!!"

          'Oh right...Akamaru will be there too....and I don't think he likes me...'

          "W-wha? No its fine.." Kiba exclaims

          "You're the guest, you shouldn't have to," Tsume starts

         "Its the least I can do, especially because of what happened to your village.." I explain

         "Well....okay you can help! Kiba, be nice!" Tsume lectures

          "I'm not a dog, mom!" Kiba replys

          "Grrr," Akamaru growls

          "No offense! Sorry, Akamaru" Kiba apologizes, petting him

          'He is kind like a dog a really cute puppy or something that like to adventure and is oblivious to things,'


         Clanks of dishes in soapy water fills the air.

          'This is more awkward than I thought....I was going to apologize..but I can't find the words..'

          "Bark!" Akamaru pushes his head against my leg

          "I thought you didn't like me, little guy?" I say, looking down at him instead of the dishes

          "Bark!" Akamaru replys

          "He said that he was scared of you but now you don't seem as intimidating," Kiba explains

Kiba's pov|

            'Why didn't Akamaru say so sooner..? I thought something was really wrong...but that's it?'

            "You can communicate with dogs? Kankuro asks

            "Yeah, kinda but that doesn't mean I know everything they say. It's mostly Akamaru that I can communicate with.." I reply

            'Whoops...I told him more than I was going to...why does he kinda make me want to talk..? No, no! He's our enemy!'
            "That's so cool! I wish I could do that.." He exclaims

             'He's so weird! First I was funny or something and he laughed at me and now he is making fun of me??' I feel my face heat up

             'He's so stupid!'

            "Haha, yeah..I guess but I used to think everyone could talk to dogs until about age 7.." I continue

             "Thats funny! Oh looks like that was the last dish.." Kankuro says, drying the last plate

             "oh.." I reply, looking down at the sink with soapy water

              'Why do i feel sad that I finished the dishes....something must be seriously wrong with me'

               "Kankuro, Kiba! I have to go on an emergency mission, there have been suspicious people around the village lately..Anyways, I have to go now!" Tsume explains, popping her head into the kitchen

              "Alright, mom! Ittashi*!"

*Be safe/have fun a goodbye of sorts when someone leaves the house

Kankuro's pov|

              'I missed my chance to apologize...well at least I know that Akamaru doesn't seem to hate me..its so hard to know without being able to understand them..'

              "Goodbye, Tsume-san*." I wave

*san is used for someone you respect and is older than you

               "Alright, come on, Akamaru. It time for your dinner!" Kiba says, draining the sink

               "Bark!!" Akamaru runs to his bowl

               Kiba poors food in his bowl and pets him, a smile plastered on his face,

               'He's really cute like a puppy...I keep thinking this but its true!'

                "You're cute," I think to myself....

                 'Wait....did I just say that aloud..? Omgomgomgogmgogmgomg! What did I just say???'

Kiba's pov|

                'Did..did he just say j was cute?! No it must've been some mistake! Maybe he was talking about Akamaru! Yeah that has to be it!....right?'

(End of chapter!! So sorry for the wait!)

(Published May 24, 2020)

The Mutt And The Doll (Kankuro x Kiba ft. Akamaru) ⚠Discontinued⚠Where stories live. Discover now