Chapter 5

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Kiba's pov|

      "A-akmaru is cute!" I reply

      'Omg he has to be talking about akamaru...right? There's no way he was talking to me..'

      "Y-yeah! He is.." Kankuro responds

      "Not as cute as you though..." Kankuro mutters

      "Did you say something?" I wonder, not catching that last part

       "No, I didn't....." Kankuro mumbles

Kankuro's pov|

       'Thank god he thought I was talking about the dog....'

       An awkward silence fills the air for a few moments before Kiba stands up,

       "Well um... Akamaru has been um.....yeah.." Kiba says, trying to make conversation

        " old is Akamaru..?" I respond

         'This is do I make conversation...I can't think of anything to talk about other than the fact that he's attractive..'

         "Oh, he's about a year old!" Kiba answers, smiling


         'Wait....what did I just think?! He's a guy! its just because he acts like a puppy, that's it!'

         "Kankuro..? Are you alright? You look like you have a fever.." Kiba's eyebrows furrow with worry

          "Y-yeah! I'm fine...its probably just the change in environment.." I lie

         "Bark! Bark!"

          "Akamaru! That can't be true, it wouldn't make sense," Kiba responds to Akamaru

          "What'd he say?" I wonder

          "Oh nothing! Um, why don't you go lay down..? If you aren't feeling good, I mean..." Kiba asks

           "I'll be fine...thanks for talking to me even after everything I did to your village..." I look at the floor feeling guilty

          "Yeah of course..! Its not like you were the only one who destroyed the village..ah that came out wrong...I mean um...I forgive you!" Kiba explains

           ".....Thank you..?" I respond confused

           "..You're welcome!.." Kiba replies



           " how about I show you something cool?" Kiba exclaims

           "Yeah, that sounds fun!" I accept

            I start following Kiba as he walks outside, and leads me to the side of his house.

            I see him push a bunch of leafs on the ground away and pick up a ladder and put it against the side of the house.

            "Bark bark!" Akamaru wags his tail

            "Sorry buddy, but you can't come up here because you can't climb ladders..." Kiba kneels, petting Akamaru on the head

            "Alright, let go!" Kiba says as he climbs the ladder, Akamaru whining below

            "I'm coming!" I say, climbing the ladder after him

            'What could possibly be so interesting about the roof..? Maybe its the sky..? But I've seen that a million times'

Kiba's pov|

           "Alright, we're here! Now just look up!" I say, sitting down on the roof

           "What's so interesting about the sky..?" Kankuro asks, walking over to me

          "You'll see! Just wait!" I reply excitement lingering in my voice

          "Hmm, okay...." Kankuro reluctantly sits down next to me, looking toward the sky


(End of chapter!!!! Sorry for the late update, I had finals!)

(Published June 10, 2020)

The Mutt And The Doll (Kankuro x Kiba ft. Akamaru) ⚠Discontinued⚠Where stories live. Discover now