DEF Kitchen

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a/n = aunt's name

"I can't Asahi...I have to help out at the DEF kitchen today." You explain to your boyfriend. "We can go next week, okay?"

You were currently explaining to Asahi that you couldn't spend the day with him. Your aunt who taught the children's class at the DEF kitchen had some business today so she left you to deal with the kids. On your day off.

"Alright, I'll come with you today." Asahi smiles. You got him wrapped around you finger too easily. "So, y/n, what are you doing there?"

"I have to teach the children's class today." You groan. You wanted to spend your day off without cooking (you go to Totsuki so you cook everyday)

Asahi chuckles. "I'm sure you'll enjoy cooking with the kids."


Arriving at the DEF Kitchen.

"Hi y/n-chan , oh, and Asahi too" Isshiki-senpai greets you two. "Is a/n not coming today?"

"Oh, Isshiki-senpai." You say. "Yeah, she has some errands to run so I'll have to teach the children today. Are you teaching the ladies class?"

"No, there's no class today. I'm here to check up on the business." Isshiki replies. "Running a business is challenging. There are a few problems with the delivery I heard, so I'll have to go have a look at it."

"y/n-nee-san!" A small voice called from behind Isshiki. It was your niece, Natsumi, your elder sister's kid.

"Hello Natsumi-chan! How're you doing?" You pick up the 5 year old into your arms.

"I'm good," she smiles. "What are you teaching us today y/n-nee-san? I love your lessons they're always fun!"

"Well, I'll be off now then. The menu the kids are supposed to learn is already in the kitchen, have fun then!" Isshiki says.

"See you then back at Polar Star then," you reply. Asahi nods as well.

Isshiki left and it was you, Asahi, Natsumi, and the kids.

"y/n-nee-san, who is this strange person?" Natsumi points at Asahi, who is standing behind you, looking very uncomfortable being stared at by a kid.

"Oh, him? He's my boyfriend, Asahi." You tell Natsumi. "He's a really good cook, y'know. He's going to help me teach you kids a new recipe."

You put Natsumi back down and say, "Let's head to the kitchens then."

Natsumi ran happily to the kitchen, where the rest of her friends were, leaving you and Asahi behind to follow.

"Come on, let's go in." Asahi says.

He smiled and walked ahead towards the kids before you could say anything more.


"Hmm...Looks like we're cooking....French bread pizzas" Asahi says, looking at the paper.

"Mmm, that sounds tasty." You sigh, thinking about the stuff that you could have done instead of teaching the kids.

"Okay kids!" You get their attention. "Today I'll be teaching you guys since a/n-sensei is busy today. This is Asahi. He'll be helping you guys as well."

After getting all the kids to wash their hands, you show them how to activate the yeast in warm water.

"Why do you have to put it in warm water?" Karin asks.

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