A Writer to the Core

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Rilisha was pushed off the building and she fell in a graceful arc. She focused on the ground, her eyes squinting, fighting the urge to yell. She was feet from the ground. She wasn't going to make it!

There thought Elisha The perfect ending to chapter 20. I can wait for everyone to read it.

"Elisha!" The voice of her best friend and manager Heather, daughter of Hestia, snapped Elisha from her thoughts.

"The publishers are getting restless. Everyone is waiting for the next Coder, Killer book!"

"Okay, okay. I do hope I get writing as a domain in my domain ceremony this fall. Sadly, Alex, Son of Athena is probably gonna get it."

"Has he written a bestselling series across the world!!! Did he have twenty publishing companies auctioning for the rights to publish his series? IS HE FAMOUS AS A WRITER UNDER A PEN NAME!?! I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!!!!! WELL MY BESTIE ELISHA, DAUGHTER OF ERIS HAS. AND SHE WILL GET WRITING AS A DOMAIN!!!"

"Calm down Heather," said Elisha, tugging her into her seat. "I may not, Alex is probably going to get it, that or his sister, Amy. We shouldn't get ahead of ourselves. We must get this to the publishers by tomorrow. I'll finish tonight."

"Girrrrrlllllsssss" Called Eris, goddess of discord and chaos, Elisha's mom, in a sing-song voice with a gentle flow of excitement love mingled in the tone. As any music advocate knows, Eris's normal voice is an A-sharp. "Dinnneeerrr"

The girls smiled and lept down the steps two at a time. Eris was an amazing cook. Since most people never cause chaos they never realize that it can taste so sweet. Probably the sweetest are the Golden Apples of Eris. Most fear them, but the girls loved them. Elisha skidded to a stop and plopped down in her seat.

"Hey, mom,"

"Hey, Eris,"

"Hello, Heather. How is your mother?"


Eris smiled gently and served up the meal. "A five-course meal as treat, for your last day before departing to your first boarding school. Be sure to pack your golden apples!"

"Yes, mom,"

"How did writing go?"

"Excellent! I finished Chapter 20. I am to finish the book tonight!!!"

"Great!!! By the way, Olympus recently got their hands on a copy and now it has spread. Be warned, The goddesslings and godets at school will likely rave about it."

"'Kay mom"

"Just remember not to brag you wrote it, because it wasn't written by Elisha, it was written by..."

"Arrietty Starrflow" finished the girls. "We know!"

"Good, I packed a list of things you'll need at school. Go start packing. And absolutely NO using magic before you're trained."

"Got it, got it and got it," said Elisha. "Heather, it's time for you to go home."

"See you tomorrow. Deliver it before school?"


Heather walked outside and activated her electromagnetic skates and hoped above the road. Elisha looked over the wild scape. Electromagnetic cars hover above the road and bikes/skates adorn every young godets/goddesslings. It looks like something out of a human science fiction novel thinks Elisha. As Heather zooms away Elisha wrinkles her nose and thinks to herself Very little good comes out of humans. I mean, they love my books but they don't make many technological advancements and they have tiny life spans.

She walked inside and hums as she packs, taking care to be precise and simple in her folds. Everything must be perfect. Despite being the goddess of discord and chaos, Eris believes in neat orderly stuff. It is strange but Eris knows that order is always in chaos and discord. In order to be properly chaotic, one must first have order to a fault. Then it will mess up. Perfect chaos. Elisha loved her mom's system. It relied on order to create chaos. It made life oh so fun to watch the other gods steer clear of her house expecting instant chaos, but then one will come in and see perfect order.

Elisha's great grandmother and favorite relative, Chaos herself is coming to see her off. So is Nyx, her grandmother, since she leaves a little after Nyx leaves the night sky.

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