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There was a much bigger spectacle from Norris' arrival than I thought there would be.

Achille almost burst into tears seeing him, practically asking how he survived. He was so certain Norris was dead and Norris explained how to truly kill a vampire. I already knew these things, but I was not surprised that Achille didn't.

He is too innocent and sweet to know these things.

"I told you he was alive." I murmur to Achille, arising a chuckle from him.

As of right now, Norris was holding Aurelie in his arms. He stared at her in concentration and I could tell he was contemplating. I know he's very knowledgeable, so if he was to say anything it is worth listening to.

Achille and I purposely came back to the house we were in originally so that we could talk without others. The other house was too...lively. Not that that's a problem.

There is just too much drama and Achilles was coming out way more. Especially around Deimos, it's almost as if he hates him...

"Achille do you have any questions for me before I state anything?" Norris asked him, and Achille picked up Aurelie. His eyes settling on our daughter as her eyes began to turn amber.

"Aurelie is half human, half vampire. I just don't understand why she's growing at such a fast rate." Achille cried, glancing at me for my reaction it seemed. I totally agreed with him though because she was only a month old - going on two, but looked like she was four or five months old.

"I'm not exactly sure how this all works...so I can't be of any assistance." I say honestly because this was something I was ignorant on. Aurelie was only growing and growing. We have to embrace every single day we can because the next day she already grew two inches.

Her knowledge and brain development is growing rapidly. I look at her only to see that she's no longer a tiny baby. It's sad how fast this is all happening.

"Maybe I can be of assistance."

We look at Norris as he nodded at Aurelie.

"Do you know what's going on?"

"Yes. Aurelie is a special case. Most human and vampire children have birth defects such as some parts of their body being to fast for the normal, human parts to function properly. Or there's the growing at an abnormal rate. Another is the child being stunted at a random age because the vampire genes don't know when to stop their aging. So it depends for your child...

"I'm actually startled I haven't seen any birth defects or any obvious issues." He rubbed his chin, raising his eyebrow and grinned. "Maybe you have a miracle child. Considering you're the one who held the child, I'm confused as to why you're body didn't fight against the human semen. This is all interesting revelations to me that are so fascinating."

Norris smiled, and I began to feel like my daughter was becoming more like a project than a child. I can't say human being...

I'm no longer human so if Achille and I were to have a child again, they'd be a full vampire. It's just interesting to me still to this day that our first time was the only time for us to just have a child.

"So about this aging thing, how will she age? How is this working?"

"Okay, she ages by three/fourth increments. So when she's one, she'll look like she is two if not two-and-a-half. Four - she'll look like she is five ." I glance over at Achille as he looked he wanted to cry. "I think you guys get what I'm going at."

I nod at his words in understanding. I was taking this better than Achille was, but I understand that it's probably more of a touchy subject for him.

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