Day 1 - Witch AU

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Marinette tried to get a better look, standing on her tiptoes as she heard everyone begin to cheer. She peered through the gaps in the crowd to see the royal carriage rolling through the street, and a smile shone brightly on her face.

Princess Kagami waved gracefully towards the crowd, a gentle look of delight on her face. Marinette had always looked up to the princess, so finally being able to see her in person was a dream come true. But she wished she was able to see her more clearly.

Glancing around and seeing that she was at the back of the crowd, Marinette pointed a few fingers towards her feet, focusing and feeling herself gently lift off the ground as she whispered out the spell. She raised herself just high enough to be able to clearly see the princess' face once more before she disappeared around the corner, turning onto the next street.

Just as Marinette released her concentration to let herself land back on the ground, a strong hand gripped her arm. She turned to look at who had grabbed her, seeing a middle-aged man with an unsightly grin.

"What do we have here?" he laughed to himself, beginning to pull her away from the crowd to the alley that was parallel to the main streets. She struggled against him, feeling panic begin to rise in her chest.

"A little witch," he spat, sounding revolted. Her eyes widened as she felt her arm begin to bruise. "They'll pay a high price for you, I'm sure," he laughed, continuing to pull her through the alleyway.

"Please, let me go!" she exclaimed before he clamped a hand over her mouth. She stared back at his vicious eyes, tears threatening to spill down her cheeks. She wished she could hope for someone to rescue her, but there was no one. Not anymore.

The thought of using magic to defend herself came into her head, but she pushed it away. She didn't want to hurt anyone, especially not with magic.

Just as she began to fight once more, determined to get away, she felt the man's hand release from her arm. She looked at him only to see him fall down right in front of her. She almost panicked, thinking that maybe she'd been doing magic without knowing, but then she saw the black cat that was attacking her perpetrator. She breathed out quickly, confused but not wanting the cat to be injured.

Marinette steeled herself, running forwards, scooping the cat up in her arms, and taking off in a sprint. She kept running, hearing the man grumble and begin to chase after her. She turned back onto the main road, realizing the cat wasn't attacking her too and thanking the heavens. She glanced at the street, seeing the princess' carriage continuing to roll down the road. Right then, Marinette stumbled, bumping into someone watching the parade and hearing them curse her out.

"Sorry!" she exclaimed, glancing back to see her attacker still on her tail. She began to run again, feeling the muscles in her legs burn. She ran through a list of spells in her mind, trying to think of what to use to slow him down. Her magic wasn't completely flawless yet, so she needed to be sure before she casted anything.

After a few more moments of thinking, she took a deep breath in and allowed herself to concentrate.

"Tumidus lingua, brevis," she spoke under her breath, turning to point a few fingers in his direction, focusing on his form and only his, hoping not to affect anyone else. She watched the man's eyes widen and his hands raise to his mouth, knowing she'd succeeded when he stopped running from confusion. She almost laughed but saved her breath, knowing that a swollen tongue wouldn't keep him occupied for that long.

Marinette kept going, breathing hard as she exited the town. After a few minutes of running at a solid pace, she noticed that the cat was pawing at her shoulder, looking up at her with curious eyes. She blinked quickly, having forgotten that she'd been carrying it this whole time.

Marichat May 2020Where stories live. Discover now