Day 11 - Chat Blanc

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Marinette leaned down to smell the roses that had just bloomed, smiling when the sweet aroma filled her senses. She glanced back up to watch the sunset once again, leaning on her railing and thanking God above that she'd been free of homework that evening. It wasn't everyday that she was free from schoolwork and Hawkmoth, but those days were always the most relaxing.

Before she could call on Tikki, she heard something shift behind her, her superhero senses kicking in. She turned, finding Chat Noir standing on her balcony with his hands in the air like he'd done something wrong. She realized that she'd been ready to attack, lowering her defenses.

"Oh. Hey, Chat Noir," she said, letting her tense shoulders relax. He smiled as his hands fell back to his sides.

"Hey, Marinette," he said, and she tilted her head, feeling like he wanted to tell her something.

"What's up?" she asked, watching him move to sit on her railing.

"Do you like cats?" he wondered, glancing at the clouds that were tinted pink as they moved towards the horizon. She chuckled a little, trying to figure out if he was hinting at something more.

"Uh, yeah?" she answered warily, and she watched him light up.

"Cool! Do you wanna meet one?" he asked excitedly, gripping her railing and looking over at her. She chuckled at his enthusiasm, tilting her head and considering it.

"A real cat?" she asked, wanting to make sure. He rolled his eyes slightly, holding out his hand.

"It's real alright. It's been following me around for a few days now," he told her, and she took his hand hesitantly. He moved to stand closer to her, wrapping an arm around her waist. She looked up at him as he glanced down at her.

"Ready?" he asked, not even waiting half a second after her nod of confirmation to leap into the sky. She squealed, holding onto him tightly. It wasn't that she was afraid of heights, but without her suit and with the added suddenness Chat Noir had provided, it definitely shocked her. She felt his laugh rumble in his chest, opening her eyes again when she'd felt they'd landed.

"Seems the princess is scared easily," he chuckled as he continued to run, looking straight ahead. She scoffed, shaking her head.

"Dumb cat," she laughed to herself, trying to enjoy the view as he ran across the rooftops and through a few alleyways before setting her down. She smoothed out her hair, raising an eyebrow at him.

"You took the scenic route, didn't you? This is like right next to the bakery," she said, and he chuckled to himself, giving her a cheesy grin. She was about to tell him off when a small meow from behind her caught her attention.

Marinette flipped around to find a small white cat in a cardboard box with a black umbrella acting as a makeshift roof.

"Oh my gosh," she cooed out, squatting down to begin petting the cat. It leaned into her hand, purring and rubbing against her.

"I decided to make a little home out of what I had while I look for someone to take care of him," Chat said, coming around to pet the cat as well. He seemed to gravitate towards Chat more, hopping out of the box and into Chat's lap, making him laugh.

"Maybe Maman will let me keep him," she smiled, watching the cat cuddle up to him. "Have you named him?" she wondered, watching Chat's bright eyes rise to meet her's.

"Chat Blanc," he chuckled, leaning down to kiss the cat's head. It meowed as Marinette felt a cold breeze rush over her, and she suddenly just wanted to go home. "Get it?" he asked, and she chuckled humorlessly.

"Yeah," she breathed out, noticing that the little cat had blue eyes, just like her akumatized partner had. It was like every muscle in her body refused to move, everything feeling rigid.

"What? Bad name?" he wondered, glancing up at her. She shook her head, trying not to let too much of her emotions spill out.

"No, it's cute," she tried to smile, reaching over to pet it once more. Chat Blanc looked up at her, and she stood up, glancing down the alleyway and away from his piercing stare.

"Mind taking me back home? I was gonna turn in early tonight," she said, and Chat placed the cat back in the box, promising he'd come back.

"Sure thing, princess," he smiled, offering her his hand again. As she walked into his arms, she held on tighter than before, trying not to let her emotions get the better of her. She could tell he'd noticed something was off, but he didn't ask until they arrived back on her balcony.

"You okay, Marinette?" he asked as she stepped away from him, not meeting his eyes.

"Of course, just tired," she lied, glancing at the sky and seeing that the sun had dipped out of sight.

"Alright, I'd better be heading out," he told her, and her heart lurched, turning to grab his hand before he moved. He looked back at her, worry darkening his features.

"Chat?" she called quietly, feeling embarrassed that she was letting her walls fall in front of him like that. He couldn't know about what had happened, but letting him leave was something her heart couldn't allow.

"Marinette?" he asked, turning towards her fully. She couldn't meet his eyes, blushing a little.

"Do you think you could stay with me?" she asked, nearly whispering. She felt his hand tighten around her's, her heart pounding.

"W-what?" he said, and she could hear the embarrassment in his voice too.

"I just don't think I can be alone tonight," she admitted, not letting go of his hand. She felt his hesitation, but eventually, he stepped closer, leaning down to open the trapdoor with his free hand.

"Okay," he spoke softly, and she bit her tongue, not knowing what to do now that he'd agreed. She started by letting go of his hand, thankful that it was pretty dark in her room when she dropped onto her bed. He followed, her cheeks warm as she curled into a ball under her covers. Having him there was enough, or at least that was what she thought.

Chat laid down next to her on his side, his green eyes boring into her frame as she resisted the sadness trying to consume her. She refused to think about blue eyes staring into her instead, but the thought came anyway. She squeezed her eyes shut, but they popped back open the moment she felt his arms pull her closer. He'd pulled her into his chest, holding her there tightly without a word. Her cheeks blazed brightly, but feeling him all around her, knowing he was safe and that she'd saved him, she was able to breathe freely.

Marinette melted into his arms, and he let her, her raging thoughts being calmed by his sure and steady heartbeat that surrounded her.

And even though they would both be embarrassed about it in the morning, it had been exactly what Marinette needed. 


thank you to @authenticcadence18on tumblr for this idea! she's such a sweetheart omg

thank you all for reading! 

mel x 

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