Day 6 - Hold My Baton

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Marinette stared out over the city, watching the sun dip into the horizon and spill colors across the sky. It was one of the most beautiful skies she'd ever seen, so she couldn't help but smile.

"Wow," Chat Noir said beside her as both of them sat on the Arc de Triomphe. There was traffic jammed up on all the streets surrounding them, but being there with him was still as relaxing as ever.

"Can you hold my baton for a second?" he asked her, offering her his hand and pulling her up. He handed her the baton, and she smiled to herself. "Okay, now turn around. And no peeking," he spoke firmly, and Marinette remembered when she'd peeked last time. Even though he'd gotten slightly upset back then, the memory always made her laugh.

Marinette continued staring out at the landscape all around her, popping open the camera on his baton and snapping a picture of the sunset. She extended it and held it like a weapon, glancing down at it in her hands.

"Okay, I'm ready," he spoke, coming back over to her. She shortened the baton once more and handed it back to him, seeing him return it to its place on his back. He eyed her for a second and then gave her a wide grin, gesturing for her to turn around.

Marinette turned to look behind her, seeing a picnic blanket and a small meal set out before her. She gasped, grinning just as wide as he was.

"Oh, it's lovely, Chat," she smiled, walking over and sitting down and admiring all the little finger foods he'd prepared. As he joined her and began popping a few grapes into his mouth, she noticed the stare he continued to give her.

"What?" she chuckled, throwing a grape at him and having it hit the tip of his nose. He scoffed, taking it and throwing it back at her with a laugh. She caught it, tossing it up into the air and catching it in her mouth.

"You looked ready to fight with my baton in your hands," he answered, putting one clawed hand on the blanket and leaning against it. She chuckled, grabbing a cracker and putting it in her mouth so she wouldn't have to answer right away. "You seemed pretty used to the buttons too. Have you used it that many times?" he asked lightheartedly, and she swallowed, smiling.

"Ah, I guess!" she laughed, shrugging. "It's always heavier than I think it will be," she told him to shift the subject slightly. He raised an eyebrow, smiling widely.

"Want me to teach you how to use it?" he asked, and she tensed a little. She knew that using his baton may not have been second nature to her, but combat in general was all too familiar, and she didn't know if she would be able to hide that fact from Chat Noir.

"Sure!" she said nervously, taking his hand once again as they both stood up. They moved back towards the edge of the roof as he spun it quickly in his hands, making the shield that she'd a million times. He offered it to her and she tried, fumbling with her hands on purpose. He chuckled, and she tried, not able to do it nearly as fast as him even when she really gave it her all.

Chat began to show her what all the buttons did, giving her examples of how to throw the baton's weight in such a way that it would hit the attacker with its full force. She admired him in those moments, seeing how accustomed he'd become to his weapon. While she was distracted, she used the baton exactly the way he'd said, nearly hitting him but stopping herself just in time.

"Whoa," he chuckled, and she laughed sheepishly. "You're a natural with it," he told her, and she spun it around in her hands a little.

"Maybe I should be Chat Noir instead," she joked, smirking at him. He raised an eyebrow at her, but when a bright blush peeked out from the bottom of his mask, she was caught off guard.

"What?" she asked, blushing herself but not knowing why.

"N-nothing!" he said a little too loudly, scratching the back of his neck. "I was just thinking that..." he trailed off, and she looked at him expectantly, gripping his baton a little tighter. He looked down at her hands and then coughed, laughing.

"You as Chat Noir would be pretty attractive," he said quietly, but she heard him, her mouth dropping open.

"Chat!" she exclaimed, moving over to hit his arm lightly, blushing fiercely. He winced as he laughed, looking back at her.

"What? It's true!" he exclaimed, and she couldn't help but laugh with him, shaking her head. After a few more seconds, she twirled the baton again, not knowing how to take his compliment.

"Really though, Mari, you're incredible," he said, and she smiled, shrugging.

"I suppose," she smiled, tossing him the baton. He moved to catch it but was slightly off balance, teetering towards the edge. She felt her heart drop, moving quickly and catching him by the tail, knowing that she would be able to handle his weight. He rebalanced himself, looking back at her and breathing out.

"Thanks," he chuckled, moving away from the edge. She laughed in relief, taking the baton out of his hands once more.

"That's it, I get your Miraculous now," she teased, watching him break down into laughter. She couldn't help but do the same.

It was memories like those, everyday moments with her best friend, that Marinette cherished for the rest of her life.


thank you all for reading!! 

mel x 

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