Day 2 - Bell

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Marinette watched Chat hang upside down off her loft railing, laughing at the way the skin on his face slightly sagged towards the floor. His bell jingled a little as he stared at her, an amused look in his eyes.

"What?" he asked, acting like what he was doing was completely normal. She snickered, standing up to walk over and poke his nose.

"You look strange," she chuckled, crossing her arms in front of him.

"Don't you always say I look strange?" he wondered, his face starting to turn red. She smiled, shrugging.

"Ah, I guess you're right," Marinette sighed, still teasing him. She moved back over to her chaise, sitting down. She watched as he let his arms hang down by his head, shaking her head at how much it amused her to see him like that.

"Oh, and if you want the blood rushing to your head to kill you, stay there for a few more hours," she spoke, and Chat immediately pulled himself back up, his bell jingling wildly as he looked at her in disbelief.

"Is that true?" he asked, making her laugh. His hair was sticking up in strange ways, and his face was still beet red. She couldn't help but laugh harder, seeing him start to fix his hair and pout. He gracefully jumped from her loft, landing without a whisper of noise and flopping down on the ground next to the chaise. He was staring up at her when she stopped laughing.

"Is it your job to laugh at me?" he smirked, raising an eyebrow at her. She ignored the way that expression made him look more attractive and nodded to hide her slight blush.

"Absolutely," she teased right back, leaning down to flick the bell that sat just below his chin. "Like the way that this bell makes you look like a housecat never fails to make me laugh," she told him, giggling a little. Chat blinked at her, scoffing.

"Hey, I can be feral if I want," he stated, turning onto his side to look at her straight on. She tapped her chin, pretending to give him a once-over as she considered his statement.

"I think you're right," she conceded, waiting until he looked satisfied to continue. "Only a stray would wind up here every night," she snickered, and after looking at her in surprise, he began to laugh with her. She leaned against the back of the chaise, holding her stomach as it began to ache. Truthfully, there was no one else she would have rather had there with her every night. Chat Noir had become her best friend, and he made everything feel easier.

"Oh, speaking of going feral," he started, sitting up and crossing his legs. She calmed herself, taking deep breaths and sitting back up to join him.

"I was thinking about it the other night while you were fixing that dress," he started, a strange look of excitement in his eyes. She tilted her head, wondering where he was going with his train of thought.

"If I ever got akumatized, I feel like the akuma would definitely be in my bell," he said, and Marinette felt like her heart was hit with a ton of bricks. She could hear him going on about what sort of powers he thought he would get, but she was being pulled under into memories she didn't want to remember. Not then. She'd worked so hard to push them away.

It was his hands on her shoulders that brought her back to reality, a soft look of worry all over his features.

"Marinette," he called gently, staring at her as she blinked rapidly. She stared right back at him, thankful that he was himself. He was safe, and so was she.

She watched him reach up, confused when he wiped a tear that had just started to roll down her cheek.

"I'm sorry. I won't talk about that anymore," he whispered, and Marinette sunk into his arms, hugging him tightly. He was so important to her.

"It wasn't your fault," she breathed out, burying her face in his shoulder. He held her tightly even though she knew he had no idea why his comments had made her so upset.

"I'm not going anywhere," he reassured her, and she willed her heart to stop hurting, letting herself melt into his protective arms.

Marinette believed Chat's words wholeheartedly. She never wanted to lose him again.


thank you all for reading! this one made my heart hurt ahhhh

stay tuned for more marichat may! 

mel x  

Marichat May 2020Where stories live. Discover now