Day 27 - Kitten Noir

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Marinette had tried to persuade him not to do it. She really had. Her balcony was a much better entrance. It wasn't until she heard her mom's voice greet him from the floor below her that it really settled in.

She jumped out of her chair, rushing to peek down the stairs and nearly pounding her head against the floor when she saw Chat Noir standing there. He was smiling awkwardly, holding a small white box as her mother seemed to be fawning over his arrival.

Marinette groaned to herself, almost closing the door and shutting everything out. A certain sentence made her change her mind, one that she'd hoped she would never hear.

"Do you want to see Marinette's baby pictures?" she heard her mother ask. Marinette's blood ran cold, her whole body tensing and freezing in place. She stared down at Chat as his eyes widened and a genuine smile appeared on his lips.

"I'd love to!" he grinned, making Marinette feel unexplainably embarrassed. He seemed a little too excited.

"I also brought some cakes from my second favorite bakery," he told her mom, eliciting a gentle laugh from Sabine. "I'm sure they're not as wonderful as yours, but I've heard my mother say that any cooking she didn't have to do herself always tasted better," he explained as Marinette finished taking a deep breath, readying herself to go down and intervene.

She forgot that there was a framed picture of herself in just a diaper swimming for the first time at the ready by the couch. She stumbled down the stairs, watching them both ogle at the photo. Normally, she would laugh along with them and think it was cute, but for some reason, the fact that Chat Noir was there pushed her over the edge.

She moved in, taking the mortifying photo away from view and keeping it behind her back, surprising the two of them.

"Marinette," Chat breathed out, blinking at her. She gave him a tense smile, looking at her mom as seeing that she looked quite pleased with herself.

"Hello, Chat Noir," she responded through her teeth, taking the box of cakes from his hands and setting it on the table along with the face-down picture frame.

"We'll be upstairs, Mom," Marinette told her, watching her mom giggle as the two of them started up to her room, having scheduled a movie marathon.

Marinette put her face in her hands, shaking her head.

"So embarrassing," she sighed, and Chat Noir chuckled, closing the trapdoor behind himself.

"I was a little baby once too," he offered. She turned to him, still slightly red and frowning.

"I was half-naked in that picture," she grumbled, watching him laugh to himself.

"Would you be okay with me seeing baby pictures of you where you weren't half-naked?" he wondered, raising his eyebrows at her.

"I guess," she shrugged, crossing her arms over her chest. She watched his face go slightly pink, and it made a small pit form in her stomach.

" would be nice to see more," he said quietly, rubbing the back of his neck. Marinette felt the tips of her ears turn red, looking at him in disbelief.

"You seriously want to see my baby pictures?" she asked, watching him get redder.

"Only if you're okay with it!" he said, holding his hands up innocently. She looked away, thinking.

"Fine, but I'll choose which ones you get to see, and we're looking at them up here," she told him, opening the trapdoor once more. She left to grab an album from downstairs, but she didn't miss the enthusiastic look in his eyes before he disappeared from view.

Marichat May 2020Where stories live. Discover now