Day 10 - Can I Borrow Your Miraculous

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Chat Noir gently knocked on her trapdoor, three quiet raps echoing across the glass. He peered in to see Marinette gently wave, a small smile on her face as she looked up at him.

He climbed onto her bed, closing the door behind him. He peeked over the railing of her loft to look at what she was working on at her desk.

"Hey, bugaboo," he smiled, happy to see her again after such a long day. She glanced up at him, rolling her eyes lightheartedly.

"How was patrol, chaton?" she asked, spinning around in her desk chair to put a few pins in the dress her mannequin was modeling for her.

"Uneventful. Oh, except for the pigeon that almost killed me," he shrugged, and Marinette turned, raising an eyebrow at him with a pin in between her lips.

"Really! It landed on my shoulder and almost pecked my eye out," he said dramatically, dropping down from her loft and walking over to look at her newest design.

"Okay, sure," she chuckled, finishing what she was doing and standing up from her chair. "Hey, I need to talk to you about something," she started, moving to stand in front of him.

"Okay, shoot," he said, offering a wave to Tikki as she moved to sit on Marinette's shoulder.

"I was thinking that we should practice with each other's Miraculous sometime soon," she said, watching his face. The image of Marinette as Lady Noire flashed in his mind, and his heart dropped into his stomach, his eyes going wide.

"Uh, w-why?" he choked out, crossing his arms over his chest like it would help to hide how nervous he'd gotten all of a sudden. Marinette gave him a suspicious look but thankfully didn't mention it for the time being.

"If something like Reflekdoll happens again, we need to be ready," she answered, sounding like she'd been worried about it for a while. He knew she was right, but he couldn't bring himself to agree to it.

"Well, uh, I don't think it's such a good idea," he spoke quickly, hoping she couldn't see through his confident facade but knowing it was probably useless. He was still willing to try.

"Why not?" she asked, seriously considering what he had to say.

"Well..." he trailed off, not having thought that far. Chat's mind went blank, not being able to think of any valid reason except the one that he didn't want to admit out loud. He repressed the blush that threatened to spill out from under his suit, scratching his arm absentmindedly.

"You'll get to be Mister Bug again," she smiled, trying to help him along. Tikki gave him a precious smile, and suddenly he felt more nervous than before.

"That's a tempting offer," he laughed anxiously. "But I'm still on the fence," he said, trying to be committed to his argument against swapping Miraculouses. But as he watched her expression melt into sympathy, he wasn't so sure he'd come out on top.

"I can tell something else is on your mind, Adrien," she spoke gently, looking concerned for him. Again, he felt his heart twinge, unable to help how much love he felt for the girl standing in front of him. He tried not to let his guard down, but she was a powerful force. "You can tell me anything, you know," she continued, tilting her head. His mind felt a little fuzzy, and for a few seconds he couldn't stop thinking about kissing her. Then again, that was the whole problem.

"It's just that..." he started, unable to continue. He ducked his head, trying to hide his blush. She moved closer to him, and he felt the speed of his heart pick up again.

"Do you not like being Mister Bug?" she wondered, and he chuckled, shaking his head.

"It's not that," he told her quietly, not able to meet her eyes. He was breaking, and he didn't know if he wanted to hear what she had to say about the real reason he didn't wanna go through with the swap.

"C'mon, Adrien. What's going on?" she prompted, placing a hand on his shoulder. He looked up at her, seeing the genuine worry in her eyes and feeling his resolve finally crumble.

"If you're Lady Noire," he let out, feeling a blush fill his cheeks. He pulled his gaze from her's, wishing he didn't have to say it. "I don't know if I can concentrate," he got out through his teeth. For a few moments, they were both silent, and he took a chance on gazing up at her.

She just looked confused, tapping her chin and seeming lost.

"What?" she asked, wanting clarification that Adrien didn't know if he could give to her without dissolving into a blushing mess.

"Last time I was stressed, and there was no room to think about anything else," he began, trying to speak slowly so she would understand. He gauged her expression, waiting for it to hit her. "And when I look back on it, I never got to tell you how beautiful you looked," he said quietly, his eyes moving to the floor. He couldn't hear anything over his pounding heart, waiting for her reaction.

"Well, I'm the guardian, so I'm asking to borrow your Miraculous anyway," Marinette said, and he looked up at her. Her face was bright red, her hand outstretched towards him but her eyes focused on the wall. Her lips had twisted into a cute pout when she finished speaking, and he felt his ears burn.

"What, so you want me to be a blushing wreck the whole time?" he asked, and her eyes locked onto his once more.

"You already are," she said, having the audacity to smirk at him and make his chest feel tight. He was at a loss for words, knowing that he couldn't say no to her.

Adrien chuckled as he asked Plagg to release his transformation, removing his ring and placing it in her hand. She smiled to herself, sliding it onto her finger and glancing up at him.

"Thanks," she said, looking down at the ring once more. "For the compliment too," she smiled, glancing at Plagg before giving Adrien a soft look that almost melted him on the spot.

Before he could reply, the light of her transformation filled the room.


thank you all for reading! your support means a lot to me!! 

mel x  

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