Day 7 - Disguise

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Marinette glanced down at Chat's hand, resisting the urge to take it in her own as they walked. She glanced back up at his face, wondering what he was thinking but only able to stifle a laugh once again.

"What?" he asked, turning to look at her. She watched him pout, trying to hide her uncontrollable smile behind her hands. "You can't laugh at me! People will stare," he whispered so she could hear. She snickered, curling her shoulders in.

"People are already staring," she reminded him, and he huffed indignantly, but she knew he was trying to hold in his laughter too.

"Can't a famous superhero take his girlfriend out to a café?" he asked her, ducking down so no one else would hear them. She pushed him slightly, but he didn't even budge, giving her a teasing look from under his flat-brimmed hat. His mask was still very visible, and she wondered how they ever thought they'd be able to get away with going out in public together.

Chat had invited her out to a nearby café because he was dying for her to try their renowned quiches. She'd laughed at him when he'd done the clichéd 'chef's kiss' when trying to explain how good it was, but she'd laughed harder when he'd appeared in front of her with the disguise he had planned. He'd decided to wear a hoodie and some loose jeans over his suit along with a hat that did a terrible job of looking normal. His cat ears were too big, and it made him look all the more goofy. Still, they'd gone out anyway, and Marinette still didn't know if they'd made the right choice or not.

"Maybe I should have worn something too," she spoke, seeing Chat glance down at her.

"Out of the question. Never in a million years would I let you cover up that beautiful face of yours," he smirked, and she rolled her eyes, blushing.

"Whatever, you dumb cat," she smiled, shaking her head. She heard him laughing under his breath, but he stopped abruptly as they finally arrived in front of the café.

"I'll go in and order--" he started excitedly, but the look she was giving him stopped him dead in his tracks. "But the staff is so nice," he whined, but he was already handing Marinette the money he'd brought. She reached up to kiss his cheek, seeing him blush slightly before she walked in and ordered for the two of them.

When she came back out with their food, he was sitting with his feet up at one of the tables, whistling lightly to himself. He looked incredibly cute, she thought to herself, but nowhere near normal. When he saw her, he lit up, putting his feet down and grinning.

"Are you ready to taste the most incredible quiche ever?" he asked, and she chuckled.

"As ready as I'll ever be," she smiled, both of them taking a bite. She couldn't deny that it was extremely tasty, but just as she was about to say so, someone else spoke up.

"Is that Chat Noir?" a girl seated a few tables away from them asked, making people walking by on the street crane to see what was going on. They both turned to look at her, and Marinette grabbed her purse, ready to leave quickly. Chat had other ideas.

"Sorry to disappoint, I'm just a normal guy who just so happens to be equally as attractive," he smirked, putting his hands behind his head. In doing so, he knocked the hat off his head, exposing his cat ears. His eyes went wide, and someone gasped.

"Are you just wearing clothes over your suit?" a passerby asked while a few people took their phones out to snap a picture. Marinette instinctively covered her face, trying not to laugh.

She was waiting for Chat to come up with another lame excuse, but in that time, he'd stood from his chair and picked her up, holding her to his chest. Running out from under the café's pergola, he jumped and brought her up onto the rooftops, running for a few moments and then letting her down again. Without her suit on, it all made her a little dizzy, but all she could do when he put her down was laugh.

"They saw right through your disguise!" she exclaimed as she laughed, seeing that Chat was watching her, his hands on his hips and an amused look in his eyes. She noticed that he'd also grabbed the plate with the rest of their quiche on it, and walked over to take another bite, watching him chuckle.

"It was worth a shot," he shrugged, smiling warmly at her. She swallowed her bite, smirking up at her boyfriend.

"You're such a dork," she said, poking his shoulder. He caught her hand before she could pull it away, kissing the back of it.

"I'm your dork," he retorted playfully, making her blush. She picked up the quiche with her free hand and put it in his mouth to stop him from saying anything else that would make her knees weak. He yelped in surprise but took a bite, mumbling about how good it was.

The way Marinette laughed after that was enough to make up for the fact that there would be pictures of her and Chat Noir everywhere the next day.


thank you all for reading! I know I say it everytime, but I really mean it! 

mel <3 

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