Chapter Ten: "Mothely Love."

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Catra's (POV)

I clench the pointer in my left hand tightly as I look at Hordak with a small glare on my face, and a white board with plans behind me. It had been a month since I finally gave birth to my daughter, and after a few weeks of exercise, and rest, I was back to my old self. And that means back to work. Awhile at work, I would have Scorpia baby sit if she could, and on days when she couldn't, I'd have one of the soldiers check up on her every few hours to make sure she had what she needed. Whether it was a diaper, a bottle to feed her, or blankets to keep her warm in bed. I hated having to trust random people to watch her, but I knew they wouldn't hurt her since I was their boss. But still, the fear still got to me sometimes. Hordak stares at the white board as I explain the plans I drew out on the board. I eyes refocus as I continue to explain.

"So, by next week if things keep going at this rate, we should be ready to take over Bright Moon's farms. Cut off the food supply, and their defenses will be weaken." I explain with a half smile on my face. Hordak sits up straight.

"Impressive, but what's to stop them from stocking up on food before we do this, Force Captain?" I felt myself sweat a bit as I realized I didn't think of that part right away. But soon an idea came to me.

"Lord Hordak, the princesses most likely wouldn't be able to stock on food right away if we took out all the their food supplies in one go." Hordak was about to answer that when someone rushed into the Throne Room where the meeting was taking place. 

"CATRA!" I heard Scorpia shout. I turn to face her, a frown on my face.

"Scorpia, can't this wait? I'm in a meeting!" I yell back at her.

"But it's Leoparina! She's hurt!" My eyes widen as I dropped my pointer. 


"COME ON!" I rush out of the room right behind Scorpia. I felt balls of sweat roll down my forehead, scared and nervous about what could have happened. Soon Scorpia lead me to the room where Leoparina was. In the room were a bunch of kids and cadets crowding the baby. I growl and hiss at them all.

"MOVE IT!" I snarl. The cadets all backed away in fear, letting me see what happened.

"WaaaaAAHHhhhh!" I heard Leoparina cry. My eye narrowed as I noticed a large red mark on the left side of her face. I grit my teeth and turn to the cadets.

"WHAT HAPPENED!?" All the cadets looked at each other and then back at me. 

"Well?!" Finally one stepped forward as the baby cried out again.

"It was an accident, Force Captain!" The boy quivered in his boots as he spoke to me. His brown hair all over the place on his face.

"We heard her crying and we went to see what was wrong, and I had a stung stick in my hand, and I tripped and it landed on the baby and stocked her." My eyes got bigger when I realized that she had a burn shock on her face. I growled a deep growl at the cadet.

"Why would you go to check on a baby with a stung stick in your hand?!"

"I didn't know what was going on!"

"Catra!" I turned to Scorpia as she placed a claw on my shoulder. I sighed and tried to calm down.

"Scorpia, take Leoparina to the infirmary." She nodded, and carried Leoparina out of the room. I turn my attention back to the cadet.

"As for you, twelve laps around the training room now!" He nodded and ran out of the room, along with all the other cadets. I sigh and fall to my knees, hot tears down my face. I was scared for my baby, I had no idea what was going to happen, but I knew there was only way to find out.


I paced back and forth outside of the infirmary, waiting and waiting for answers from the doctor. But after awhile, I turned to Scorpia.

"How did you find out about the baby getting hurt anyway?" She rubbed the back of her head.

"I heard the cadets freaking out and I went to go see what was going on, and see saw the baby crying with the mark on her face. So after that I went to go find you." I sigh, still nervous about what the doctor was going to say. Finally I heard the door open, and the doctor came out with a smile on his face.

"Good news! Thanks to Entrapta's new healing syrup, your daughter will be just fine. No scars, no permanent damage, no bleeding, no nothing. She's good as new!" I sighed a huge sigh of relief hearing that my daughter was going to be okay. I enter the room, and saw my baby smiling and giggling when she saw my face. She jumped up and down on the bed, her arms extended out to me, as if she wanted me to hold her. I was more than happy to do so. A tear rolled down my cheek as I went to pick her up. Her smile gets bigger as I held her close to my chest. I nuzzle her again, and kiss her head. She giggles again. 

"My beautiful baby girl, I'm so glad you're okay!" I held her tighter, her tiny ears flickered and tickled my nose.

"AW-CHO!" I sneeze, and my baby laughs loudly. Like me sneezing was the funniest thing ever. I laugh a bit as wipe my nose.

"I'm happy to hear you laugh again, sweetie." I felt myself freeze when I realized what I just said. 'Sweetie?' I thought to myself, 'Good God, I really am getting soft.' 

"Awwwwww!" I turn to Scorpia, her eyes huge and a huge smile on her face.


"You called her sweetie! That's so cute!" I roll my eyes as Leoparina reached out to my face and squeezed my nose, her claws gently clawing at it.

"I think she's trying to make me sneeze again." I try to turn my head away from her, but she pats at my face. Scorpia laughed.

"I think so too. How cute!" I smile and kiss my baby's face. 


That night, I held my baby close to me as she suckled on my right breast. I lied on my bed, my back against my pillow. I sigh to myself as I think back to her getting hurt just hours before. I wanted to kick myself for not being there when it happened. Maybe I could have stopped it. Or checked to see why she was crying before. Was she hungry? Needed a fresh diaper? Needed a nap? Or to be burped? I didn't know. All I knew was she got hurt, and I wasn't there. I look down at her, and with my free hand that wasn't holding her, I brushed her tiny head gently. Her curly blonde hair stood up. I smiled and played with her tiny brown ears. She flickered her ears and rested her hand on my chest. Her tiny claws extending and retracting just like the day she was born. I smile seeing that. I always thought it was cute when she did that. She closed her eyes as she finally finished suckling. I wipe her mouth with my index finger. I place my whole hand on her face and rub her cheek with my thumb. She giggles slightly before drifting off to sleep. I smile and lift my baby closer to my face. I kiss her forehead. 

"Good night, Leoparina." I whisper to her as I too start to drift off to sleep.

Author's Note: 

Am I the only one who thinks Catra would be a soft loving mom?

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