I'm back baby

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"Bonnie?" The name reverberated through the space. The women stared at each other; one with an expression of pure shock, the other one with an expression drenched with caution.

Bonnie was older, her body thinner and more haggard. But it's more than that. She's harder, colder, like she's been hallowed out. Claudia realised. Yet her eyes, those goddam eyes like spheres of flowing water, were the exact same.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." Bonnie tried to joke, but it came out flat.

"Because I have." Claudia couldn't believe it. She stood frozen, staring in utter disbelief at the woman before her. "You died!"

"Apparently." Bonnie shrugged, taking a step forward, making Claudia take a step back. "They never found my body though. You should have suspected it, Claude, you're the writer after all."

Claudia stiffened when Bonnie used her old nickname.

"This is real life, not a book." Claudia snapped, banging on the door again.

"He won't answer." Bonnie repeated, pulling a cigarette out of her bra, placing it between her lips and taking a swig. The movement was so familiar yet warped, wrong, that it made Claudia want to cry. "Want one?"

"Why not? And no thank you, I don't smoke." Bonnie peered at her intently, coming far closer than Claudia would have liked.

"He died last year. House has been sitting empty since. Who are you? You look like Claude – an older, posh version – but you sound and act like someone else entirely." He died? Claudia looked at Bonnie in surprise, tinged with sorrow. Oh dad... I'm sorry I didn't come visit. She sent up the mental apology, hoping he was somewhere nice.

"So you've been hanging around a dead man's house for... how long?" Claudia asked, narrowing her eyes. It's beginning to feel like I've walked into a trap.

"I knew you'd come-" Bonnie started to say, dodging the question, when it dawned on Claudia. This WAS a trap.

"It's because of you. My son got kidnapped because of you." Claudia breathed, voice dangerously quiet. Bonnie went pale, guilt flashing through her eyes.

"I-I uh I can explain," Bonnie stammered, raising two hands in front of her like a physical barrier. Faster than light, Claudia took a calm step foreword and slapped Bonnie, hard. The SMACK sound of impact cut through the air.

Jessica would be proud. Claudia's hand stung, the roaring in hers subsiding slightly. Bonnie raised a trembling hand to her red cheek before she spat on the porch.

"Will you let me explain Claude?" She asked quietly, voice hesitant. Behind Claudia's anger lurked a tiny bit of pity for the woman before her. Just a smidge.

"Fine, I guess I don't have a choice. But don't call me Claude." Claudia responded curtly, leaning against the porch railing at her back. But to her surprise, Bonnie walked over to the door, pulled a key out of her pocket and walked right in.

"What?" Was all Claudia could manage as she followed Bonnie inside.

"Long story, I'll grab us a drink." Bonnie sighed, chucking her keys onto the kitchen counter. Claudia walked in slowly, looking around the place like someone at an open home.

Same ol' frumpy fabric couch, mom's hoosier cabinet, mosaic fruit bowl I made in kindy, recycled retro fridge. The space was exactly like she'd left it a decade ago, right down to the dirty bowls piled in the sink and the wet clothes hanging by the TV.

87 hours remaining.

Claudia sat down at the round, three-legged table in the kitchen. Bonnie returned from the bedroom, a bottle of whiskey in hand. She grabbed two glasses, pouring a significant amount into the one. As she was about to fill the other, Claudia placed her hand over it.

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